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Rin and Y/n gathered their belongings and walked side by side, their footsteps echoing in the quietness of the evening.

The sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the school grounds.

Rin took Y/n's bag from her, carrying it for her. Y/n couldn't help but smile as they strolled together, the sun casting long shadows across the pavement.

As they walked, they chatted about the day's events, sharing lighthearted jokes and anecdotes. The atmosphere was comfortable, and the air was filled with the easy camaraderie that had developed between them.

Rin, with his stoic demeanor, managed to bring out a more relaxed side of Y/n, making their time together enjoyable.

As they approached Y/n's house, Rin handed back her bag, and they paused at the doorstep. The sun had dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink.

"Thanks for walking me home," Y/n said, a genuine appreciation in her voice.

Rin nodded, "Anytime, see you tomorrow?"

Y/n smiled, "Definitely, goodnight Rin."

"Goodnight, Y/n," he replied, watching her disappear into her home before turning to head back.

As Rin made his way back into the night, Y/n feeling a sudden surge of courage, gently reached out and grabbed Rin's wrist just as he turned to leave.

"Wait, Rin," Y/n said, her voice soft but resolute.

Rin turned back to face her, his teal eyes searching hers for an explanation. "What happened?".

Rin's question hung in the air, but before Y/n could answer, she decided to express her feelings in a way that words couldn't fully convey.

Leaning in, she gently stroked Rin's cheek with her thumb and pressed her lips against his, surprising him.

The kiss was soft and sweet, a silent affirmation of the emotions that had been growing between them. Rin, though initially taken aback, quickly melted into the moment, reciprocating the kiss with a warmth that spoke volumes.

When they finally pulled away, Y/n looked at Rin with a soft smile.

Rin, feeling a rush of warmth and affection, leaned in once again. He pressed his lips against hers, savoring the sweet connection between them.

As they parted, he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, his actions expressing a tenderness that words couldn't fully capture.

"Goodnight," he murmured softly, his blush adding a touch of vulnerability to his usual composed demeanor.

With that, Rin bid her farewell and began to make his way home, leaving Y/n standing at her doorstep, heart aflutter with the newfound depth of their connection.

As Y/n stepped into her house, a soft smile lingered on her lips.

The warmth from the kiss and Rin's affectionate gestures still lingered in the air. She couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning, the first step toward something special.

As she clutched her heart, she couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for the journey ahead with Rin.


As the morning sunlight spilled through the windows, casting a warm glow on the school hallway, Y/n hurriedly made her way to her classroom.

As she took her seat, Otoya slid into the seat next to Y/n, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "Hey Y/n! How's it going?" he asked, clearly in a playful mood.

Crossing courts | Rin ItoshiWhere stories live. Discover now