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Rin's teammates, noticing a shift in his usual performance during soccer practice, approached him with concern. They could sense that something was bothering him and decided to address the issue.

One of Rin's teammates, Isagi, asked, "Hey, Rin, you've been a bit off today. What's going on? Everything alright?"

Rin, still grappling with the recent events involving Y/n and Aoi, hesitated for a moment before responding, "Just some personal stuff. Don't worry about it."

Bachira, concerned and curious, couldn't help but bring up Y/n. "Is it about Y/n?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Rin, slightly surprised by the directness of the question, sighed before nodding in acknowledgment. "Yeah, it's about her."

His teammates exchanged glances, realizing that Rin's personal life might be affecting his performance on the field. Aryu, wanting to offer support, spoke up, "If you ever want to talk about it, we're here for you, Rin."

"You know, Rin, sometimes a small talk can clear up misunderstandings. Maybe you should have a conversation with Y/n and sort things out." Chigiri suggested.

Rin, realizing the truth in Bachira's words, nodded in agreement. "You might be right. I'll try to talk to her and see if we can figure things out."

Encouraged by his teammates' support, Rin decided to address the issue with Y/n directly. After soccer practice, he headed towards the volleyball gym, determined to have that much-needed conversation.

As Rin entered the volleyball gym, he couldn't help but notice Y/n and Osamu engaged in a lively game of tossing the ball back and forth.

Y/n's radiant smile caught his attention, and for a moment, a wave of insecurity swept over Rin. He couldn't shake the thought that perhaps Y/n seemed happier with Osamu.

However, determined to address the situation, Rin took a deep breath and approached the pair. Osamu greeted him casually, and Y/n looked up, meeting Rin's eyes.

The atmosphere became tense as Rin tried to find the right words to start the conversation.

Rin, feeling the need for a conversation, mustered the courage to address the situation.

"Hey, Osamu, do you mind if I talk to Y/n for a moment?" Rin asked, trying to keep his tone casual.

Osamu glanced between Rin and Y/n before offering a friendly smile. "Sure, no problem. I'll catch you guys later," he said, handing the ball over to Rin. Osamu gave Y/n a reassuring pat on the shoulder before making his way out of the gym.

Rin hesitated for a moment before clearing his throat as well. "Look, Y/n, I noticed you seemed a bit off today, and I wanted to check in. Is everything okay?" he asked, his tone carrying genuine concern.

Y/n had a lot of thoughts in mind, she thought that after the kiss a new dynamic between them would make them stronger but it was indeed ruined, Y/n shifted her eyes, gazing at his own teal eyes asking "Rin what are we?."

Rin's expression shifted to a mix of surprise and confusion. "What do you mean, what are we?" he asked, a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

Y/n sighed again, feeling a bit frustrated. "Rin, we've been getting closer lately, we even kissed yesterday... I just need to know where we stand," she explained, her eyes searching for any sign of clarity in his.

Rin took a moment to process her words before responding. "I... I didn't mean to give you the wrong impression. I value our friendship, and I'm not sure if I'm ready for anything beyond that right now."

Y/n nodded, a mix of disappointment and understanding in her eyes. "Okay, thanks for being honest," she replied, trying to hide her feelings.

Rindidn't want to complicate things further. "I just need some time to figure things out," he added.

As Y/n reentered the gym, Rin was left alone with his thoughts. The echoes of their conversation lingered in his mind, and uncertainty settled like a heavy cloud. He wondered if his choice to prioritize soccer and maintain their friendship was the right one.

The volleyball gym seemed quieter than before, and Rin found himself deep in contemplation. He knew that Y/n deserved clarity, but the complexities of his feelings were causing internal conflict. He wanted to focus on soccer, but the thought of Y/n being upset or distant weighed on him.

As he observed the ongoing practices, Rin's mind continued to drift back to their conversation. He questioned if he had made the best decision for both of them, unsure of the path ahead. Soccer had always been a source of solace for Rin, but now, the lines between his passion and personal life seemed to

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