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Unbeknownst to Y/n and Osamu, a group of students had discreetly captured the moment between them, planning to spread the pictures throughout the entire school.

As Y/n and Osamu walked toward their classroom, a group of students unexpectedly approached them, bombarding them with questions about whether they were back together. The whispers and curious stares from their classmates intensified, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere for both Y/n and Osamu.

Rin, overhearing the gossip about Y/n and Osamu, felt a surge of frustration and anger.

The idea that Y/n might be getting back together with her ex-boyfriend stirred conflicting emotions within him.

He recalled the moments they shared, and a sense of possessiveness and jealousy crept in.

Clenching his fists, Rin decided to confront the situation head-on and approached Y/n and Osamu, his stoic expression masking the turmoil within.

Rin pulled Y/n out of the class, his stern expression revealing the intensity of his feelings.

In a low yet firm voice, he asked her, "Is it true? Are you back together with Osamu?"

Y/n quickly clarified, "No, it's not true. We're just friends, Rin. It shouldn't matter to anyone anyway."

Rin, feeling a mix of frustration and relief, apologized for jumping to conclusions,

realizing he had let his emotions get the best of him.

Y/n took a deep breath before confessing, "I just needed Osamu's comfort today. You were so engrossed in your conversation with Aoi that I didn't even think you noticed me. I didn't want to disturb you."

Rin, feeling a pang of guilt, responded, "You could've come to me. I would've listened."

Y/n, still frustrated, replied, "Would you have? You seemed pretty occupied. Besides, we're just friends, Rin. I can talk to whoever I want, right?"

Rin realized he had indeed let his jealousy cloud his judgment. "I'm sorry, Y/n. I shouldn't have assumed. I just... I got jealous, and I overreacted."

Y/n sighed, "It's fine. Let's just forget about it. I appreciate your concern, but I can handle my own problems."

Rin nodded, realizing he needed to trust Y/n and not let his emotions get the better of him.

Y/n returned to her classroom, finding solace in the familiar surroundings.

She sank into her seat, resting her chin in her left palm as she let out a deep sigh. The events of the day had taken a toll on her emotions, and she couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed.

The usual chatter and laughter echoed in the background, but Y/n felt a sense of detachment. The incident with Rin had left her feeling a mix of emotions, and she couldn't shake off the lingering discomfort.

Trying to shift her focus, Y/n picked up a book from her bag, pretending to read, but her mind was elsewhere. She found herself lost in contemplation, replaying the moments that had unfolded throughout the day.

Rin returned to the classroom, taking a seat next to Y/n.

However, as he glanced at her, he couldn't help but notice the noticeable change in her demeanor. Y/n seemed distant, her gaze fixed on something far beyond the classroom walls.

The usual connection that existed between them, the unspoken understanding, now felt strained.

He cleared his throat, trying to break the silence. "Hey," Rin said, his voice carrying a hint of concern. "Is everything okay?"

Y/n turned to face him, her expression guarded. "Yeah, I'm fine," she replied, but there was a subtle tension in her voice that Rin couldn't ignore.

As the class began, Y/n usually engaged and connected with Rin, seemed to have built a barrier between them. She didn't spare him a glance, and her silence echoed louder than any words spoken.

Rin, sitting beside her, couldn't shake the feeling of discomfort. He glanced at Y/n occasionally, hoping for a sign, a reassurance that things could return to the way they were. Yet, Y/n's attention remained steadfastly focused on the lesson, her expression unreadable.

As the final bell rang, Y/n rose from her seat, mechanically collecting her books and placing them in her bag.

Rin, sitting beside her, hesitated for a moment before offering to accompany her to the volleyball gym. "Hey want me to-".

However, Osamu interjected, stepping forward and suggesting, "Let's go." There was a casualness in his tone, but Rin couldn't shake the feeling that something had shifted between him and Y/n.

Y/n, nodded at Osamu and followed him out of the classroom.

Rin, left behind, felt a pang of unease. He wondered about the conversations that had transpired during lunch and the lingering repercussions.

As they exited the classroom, Rin couldn't help but watch Y/n and Osamu from a distance. Their figures gradually faded into the bustling hallway, leaving Rin with a sense of disquiet.

Aoi, who had taken note of Rin's sudden change in behavior, approached him with a curious expression.

"Hey Rin, what's going on? Who is she to you?"

Rin, maintaining his stoic exterior, replied, "She's just a close friend."

Aoi furrowed her eyebrows at his response, sensing that there might be more to the story than Rin was letting on.

Aoi, persistent in her questioning, continued to press Rin about the nature of his relationship with Y/n. "Come on, Rin. You can tell me. Are you interested in her?"

Rin, still maintaining his stoic demeanor, replied firmly, "It's none of your business, Aoi."

Aoi, feeling a mixture of frustration and jealousy, finally spoke up with determination.

"I don't want you near her, Rin. Got it? She's trouble."

Rin, maintaining his strong gaze, responded, "Who do you think you are to start ordering me around, Aoi? It's not your place to decide who I can or cannot be near."

Aoi, feeling a bit vulnerable, admitted, "I thought you were only interested in me, Rin."

Rin, his expression firm, responded, "That was in the past, Aoi. We'll never date."

Crossing courts | Rin ItoshiWhere stories live. Discover now