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As a new week unfolded, Y/n found herself strolling towards her classroom, the echoes of students filling the corridors. Unexpectedly, Bachira, her cheerful and energetic friend, came bounding up to her.

"Hey Yn! mind if I walk with you?" Bachira grins.

"Of course not Bachira, let's go." Y/n smiled softly.

As they walked side by side, Bachira, in a playful mood, linked arms with Y/n, adding an extra layer of camaraderie to their stride.

As Y/n and Bachira approached their classroom, they noticed Rin walking ahead. Y/n, with her usual warmth, decided to greet him.

"Good morning Rin." Y/n greets Rin.

Rin, acknowledging her with a nod, returned a muted "morning."

Y/n follows Rin "Kumi's not here today, and I don't have a seatmate, want to be my temporary partner for today?".

There was a brief pause as Rin considered the unexpected invitation. His reserved demeanor softened slightly "Okay".

As the class commenced, Y/n, having stayed up late the night before studying, couldn't ward off the fatigue that crept up on her. The hum of the classroom and the gentle drone of the teacher's voice created a lulling ambiance that proved too much for her tired eyes.

Unbeknownst to Y/n, Rin, seated beside her as her temporary seatmate, observed her struggle against the urge to sleep. He noticed the subtle signs—a yawn here, a slow blink there. As Y/n finally succumbed to the exhaustion, her head gently rested on her folded arms, and the rhythmic rise and fall of her breathing indicated a peaceful slumber.

Rin, despite his usual reserved demeanor, found himself captivated by the serene sight of Y/n asleep. He couldn't help but let his gaze linger on her features—the soft curve of her lashes, the tranquil expression on her face, and the gentle rise and fall of her chest.

As the lunch break approached, Rin noticed Y/n still lost in the embrace of sleep. Realizing she needed to wake up, he gently nudged her shoulder.

"Y/n it's lunch break, you should wake up." Rin wakes Y/n up softly.

Y/n, stirring from her brief slumber, blinked sleepily and looked up at Rin."Oh sorry, I didn't mean to doze off." Y/n rubs her eyes as she stands up.

As Rin and Y/n walked towards the cafeteria, the aroma of various dishes filled the air. However, Y/n seemed unusually reserved today. Rin, observant as always, noticed her hesitance.

"Is everything okay Y/n?" The hint of concern was heard from Rin.

Y/n smiles, "Yeah just not feeling like eating much today."

Rin, sensing something more, decided to offer a thoughtful gesture

"Alright, how about a beverage then? my treat."

Y/n, appreciative of Rin's consideration, nodded in agreement, they entered the cafeteria together, and Rin guided Y/n towards the beverage machine.

"What would you like?" Rin asks, looking at the options.

"Just a canned coffee, please." Y/n responded.

Rin pushed the coffee button, and as they waited, a quiet understanding passed between them.

Seated at a corner table in the bustling cafeteria, Rin and Y/n found a momentary respite. Rin quietly enjoyed his meal, occasionally glancing at Y/n to ensure she was comfortable. The atmosphere was serene, punctuated by the low hum of conversations and the clinking of utensils.

As Rin and Y/n settled into their quiet lunch, Isagi, Bachira, Nagi, Reo, and Chigiri, sensing the camaraderie, decided to join them. Pulling up chairs, they gathered around the table.

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