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Y/n, maintaining her composure, replied, "It's not about you, I already have feelings for someone else."

As Y/n's revelation hung in the air, the entire classroom erupted in exclamations and whispers. The news of her having feelings for someone else sparked a wave of curiosity and speculation.

Students exchanged glances, their imaginations running wild with theories about who might be the mysterious recipient of Y/n's affections.

Even Rin, seated at the back of the room, couldn't help but be intrigued. The unexpected twist in the morning's events had gained his full attention, and a subtle sense of anticipation lingered as the mystery of Y/n's feelings became the talk of the classroom.

Kum couldn't contain her astonishment. She leaned in and asked in a hushed tone, "Y/n who is it? You have to tell me!"

However, Y/n keeping her secret close, simply shook her head with a knowing smile. "I'd rather keep it to myself for now Kumi," she replied, a playful glint in her eyes.

As classes resumed and lunchtime approached, Kumi and Y/n made their way to the cafeteria together.

Amidst the lively atmosphere, Kumi couldn't resist another attempt to unravel the mystery. "Come on Y/n, give me a hint at least," she pleaded with a teasing grin.

Y/n chuckled, enjoying the playful banter. "Not a chance, Kumi. Some secrets are meant to be kept," she replied, maintaining the air of mystery around her newfound feelings.

Between bites of lunch, Kumi couldn't hold back her curiosity any longer. She leaned in and asked Y/n, "Have you talked to Rin yet? You know, about what happened that morning?"

Y/n sighed, setting down her fork. "No, not yet, he's been distant all day, and I'm not sure how to approach him, plus with everything that happened, it feels complicated."

Kumi nodded in understanding, realizing the intricacies of the situation.

As Y/n and Kumi chatted, their lunch table welcomed the arrival of Otoya and the others.

Otoya, always attuned to gossip, couldn't resist stirring the pot. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he leaned in and announced, "Guess what everyone? I heard a little secret, our dear Y/n has a crush!"

The declaration instantly captured the attention of the group, and they exchanged intrigued glances. Y/n, feeling the weight of the collective gaze, blushed but maintained her composure.

Unable to contain his curiosity, Bachira leaned forward, his eyes wide with anticipation. "Come on, Y/n! You can't just drop a bomb like that and not tell us, who's the lucky person?"

The rest of the guys joined in, their expressions a blend of playful teasing and genuine interest.

Y/n, feeling the pressure of the collective gaze and the anticipation of her friends, smiled coyly but kept the mystery intact. "Well I'd love to spill the details, but I'm not quite ready to reveal the name just yet, let's just say it's someone special," she replied, playfully evading the question.

The guys, though a bit disappointed, respected Y/n's decision.

As Y/n continued to enjoy lunch with her friends, she couldn't help but notice the absence of one crucial person—Rin. A flicker of concern crossed her face, and she turned to the guys, asking, "Hey where's Rin? Is he not joining us for lunch?"

Isagi, glancing around, responded, "Nah, he didn't feel like eating today, said he'd rather stay in the classroom."

Y/n's brow furrowed with a mix of curiosity and worry.

Determined to clear the air and have a conversation with Rin, Y/n excused herself from the lunch table. With a determined stride, she made her way to the classroom.

Upon entering the quiet room, Y/n found Rin seated at his desk, seemingly engrossed in something.

Y/n took a deep breath, mustering the courage to address the tension that had been lingering throughout the day. "Rin," she began, her voice steady but carrying a hint of concern, "can we talk? I've noticed that you've been distant and ignoring me, and I want to understand why."

Rin, who had been focused on whatever occupied his thoughts, looked up at Y/n.

Rin's gaze shifted away, offering a terse response. "It's nothing, Y/n, just had a lot on my mind," he mumbled, a hint of evasion in his tone.

Y/n, however, could sense that there was more beneath the surface. She persisted, her concern evident. "Rin if something's bothering you, please tell me."

Rin let out a frustrated groan, his guard momentarily slipping. "Fine, it's just... who is Osamu to you?" he asked, his eyes narrowing with a mix of curiosity and a tinge of discomfort.

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