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On a bustling Saturday afternoon, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sizzle of grilled delights filled the air in Y/n's mom's cafeteria. Y/n, donned in a neat apron, moved gracefully between tables, taking orders and ensuring the customers were well attended to.

As Y/n expertly balanced a tray of hot dishes, the familiar chime of the cafe's entrance announced the arrival of Kumi. With a warm smile, Y/n welcomed her friend.

"Kumi! What brings you here?" Y/n excitedly approached Kumi.

Kumi, taking a seat at the counter, grinned. "Just thought I'd drop by and see the busy worker bee in action." Kumi playfully replied.

Y/n chuckled, appreciating the impromptu visit. The café buzzed with activity as Y/n continued to serve customers, occasionally stealing glances at Kumi, who observed the lively atmosphere with amusement.

Kumi, seizing the opportunity, decided to engage Y/n between orders.

"So, any exciting plans after your shift?" Kumi asked.

"Not really, probably just winding down, how about you?"

Kumi leaned in, "Well, I heard there's a new dessert place nearby, maybe we could check it out?".

"That sounds like a plan! Let me finish up here, and we can head there together." Y/n enthusiastically responded.

As Y/n skillfully navigated the busy café, the camaraderie between her and Kumi infused the air with a sense of warmth.

As Y/n and Kumi exited the bustling cafe, ready to embark on their sweet adventure to the new dessert place, fate seemed to have a different plan.

Just around the corner, some guys of the school's soccer team, including Rin, Reo, Nagi, Isagi, Bachira, and Chigiri, were making their way from the soccer field after a rigorous practice.

The collision of the two groups was as unexpected as it was amusing. Laughter erupted as Y/n, Kumi, and the soccer team found themselves entangled in a light-hearted collision of bodies and apologies.

"Well, this is one way to meet outside of school." Y/n laughed

"Seems like it, sorry about that." Chigiri smiled.

"You soccer guys need to watch where you're going." Kumi teased.

"In our defense, we were discussing the game strategy." Reo grinned.

Nagi who just looked up from his phone noticed Y/n, "Hey Y/n what brings you here?".

"Just finished my shift at the cafe, Kumi and I were actually heading to a new dessert place. Do you guys wanna join?" Y/n requested.

The invitation hung in the air, and after a moment of exchanged glances, the soccer team agreed with enthusiasm.

"Dessert sounds perfect after practice!" Isagi exclaimed.

As the group walked towards the dessert place, Y/n found herself walking alongside Rin. The lively chatter of their friends created a backdrop for a more intimate conversation between them.

"So, how was soccer practice today?" Y/n asked smiling.

Rin turns his head gazing at Y/n beautiful features, "It was good. We're gearing up for the upcoming match."

"That sounds exciting! You guys must be putting in a lot of effort."

Rin nodded, a subtle glint of determination in his eyes. "Yeah we're giving it our all. How about you? How was your day at the cafe?" Rin tried to make a conversation with Y/n.

"Busy, but I enjoyed it, the customers were lovely today." Y/n cheerfully responded.

They walked in companionable silence for a moment before Rin spoke again. "Thanks for coming to watch practice earlier, it meant a lot."

Y/N responded sincerely, "Of course Rin,I'm happy to support you."

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, the topics shifting from soccer strategies to the day to day moments of Y/n's life. Despite the bustling surroundings, a quiet connection unfolded between Y/n and Rin shared an understanding that went beyond words.

The group arrived at the dessert shop, its inviting aroma of freshly baked pastries and sweet delights wafting through the air. The anticipation of indulging in delectable treats heightened as they approached the entrance.

As they reached the door, Rin opened it allowing Y/n to enter first. The simple act carried a touch of chivalry that didn't go unnoticed by Y/n, who gave Rin a grateful smile before stepping inside.

The cozy interior of the dessert shop greeted them with warm lighting and a tempting display of treats. The group settled at a table, and Rin, once again displaying a thoughtful gesture, pulled out a chair for Y/n.

"Please, have a seat." Rin politely gestures.

Y/n, appreciating Rin's consideration, took the offered seat, and the rest of the group followed suit

Seated around the table in the cozy dessert shop, the group perused the menu filled with an array of delicious pastries. Each member eagerly shared their preferences, creating a delightful mix of choices.

"I'll have the chocolate lava cake, please." Kumi excitedly ordered.

"I'll go with the apple crumble." Reo orders his pastry.

The rest of the group followed suit, placing their orders for an assortment of delectable pastries. The anticipation of the sweet indulgence brought an air of excitement to the table.

As the waiter collected their orders, the group continued to chat, sharing anecdotes from their day and relishing the prospect of savoring the delightful treats soon to grace their table.

As the delightful pastries arrived at the table, Y/n couldn't resist the allure of a perfectly crafted strawberry shortcake. The layers of sponge cake, fresh strawberries, and fluffy cream promised a symphony of flavors.

With anticipation, Y/n took a forkful, savoring the sweet combination of strawberries and cream. Unbeknownst to her, a small dollop of cream lingered in the corner of her lips.

Rin, seated beside her, subtly noticed the creamy adornment. In a gesture as gentle as the breeze, he reached over and, with the utmost delicacy, wiped away the lingering cream from Y/n's lips with his thumb.

"You had a bit of cream there." Rin said.

Y/n, feeling the gentle touch, couldn't help but blush at the unexpected but tender moment.

"Oh thanks Rin." Y/n smiled.

Rin's friends, accustomed to his usual reserved demeanor, couldn't help but exchange surprised glances as they witnessed his subtle yet uncharacteristic act of wiping away the cream from Y/n's lips. The shock registered on their faces, creating a momentary pause in the lively chatter at the table.

"Did Rin just...?" Nagi raised an eyebrow.

Reo smirked "I never thought I'd see the day".

"Rin, you're full of surprises" Bachira laughed.

Rin, aware of the attention his small gesture had garnered, glanced at his friends with a hint of embarrassment. He cleared his throat, attempting to downplay the moment.

"It was just a bit of cream" Rin rolled his eyes.

"Cream or not, that's not something we see every day from you, Rin" Chigiri teased.

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