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Taking a deep breath, Y/n decided to be honest with Rin. "Osamu is my ex-boyfriend," she confessed, watching Rin's reaction closely.

Rin's eyes widened slightly, a mix of surprise and realization flickering across his face.

"I should clarify though," Y/n continued, her voice sincere, "right now, Osamu is just a friend. we've moved on from that part of our lives. it's you who I care about and want to be friends with."

As Y/n's sincerity resonated in the air, Rin felt a pang of remorse for his distant behavior. "I'm sorry Y/n, I shouldn't have acted that way" he admitted, a sense of regret in his expression.

Y/n, ever understanding, offered a reassuring smile. "It's okay Rin, we all have our moments, I'm just glad we could talk about it, friends right?" she said, extending an olive branch of forgiveness.

Despite Y/n's reassurance and efforts to maintain a friendly atmosphere, Rin couldn't shake the weight of his own feelings.

A sense of unease settled within him as he realized that Y/n saw Osamu as just a friend while he harbored deeper emotions for her.

Rin, grappling with his own emotions, murmured, "Yeah, friends," but the word carried a weight of unspoken sentiments.

The bell rang, signaling the end of the lunch break. Y/n, caught in the midst of complex emotions with Rin, was startled when Kumi rushed over. "Y/n! Where were you? I was left alone with these guys," she exclaimed, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

As the final bell rang, signaling the end of classes, Y/n and Kumi prepared for their next endeavor: weight training. The usual volleyball practice had been swapped for a session in the gym, where they would focus on building strength and conditioning.

The girls gathered their gear, exchanging knowing glances as they anticipated the challenges of the upcoming workout.

To their surprise, as Y/n and Kumi entered the gym for weight training, they found not only their fellow volleyball players but also the soccer team members gearing up for the same session.

The volleyball players couldn't hide their excitement upon seeing the soccer team members joining them for the weight training session. Their enthusiasm bubbled over, and a chorus of excited whispers.

As the joint weight training session kicked off, the volleyball players geared up for a challenging leg day as for the soccer players for an upper body training. The gym echoed with the clatter of weights and the determined hum of conversations as everyone prepared to focus on strengthening their bodies.

Y/n and Kumi, being good workout buddies, decided to spot each other during the leg day session. As Kumi geared up for her squats, Y/n stood ready to assist and provide support.

With determination in her eyes, Kumi started her squats. However, after completing just two, the intensity of the workout began to take its toll.

Y/n offered encouraging words as Kumi pushed through the burn. "You've got this, Kumi! Just a few more," she cheered.

Despite the struggle, Kumi persevered, completing her set with a mix of relief and exhaustion.

Switching roles, Y/n took her turn for squats while Kumi sat on the ground, cheering on her friend. As Y/n powered through her set, Shidou, who just finished his own exercises nearby.

Impressed by the determination of the girls, he decided to approach them.

With a flirty smile, Shidou joined the cheering section. "I didn't know you were this strong Y/n, those legs are definitely something" he complimented as he couldn't help but also compliment her legs.

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