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After a delightful dinner, Rin and Y/n decided to continue their date with a trip to the movies. The night was filled with anticipation as they approached the cinema, hand in hand, ready to enjoy each other's company in the dimly lit theater. 

As they perused the selection of movies, Rin's eyes gleamed with enthusiasm when he spotted a horror film that piqued his interest.

Grinning, he suggested they go for a thrilling experience and watch the horror movie. Y/n, intrigued by Rin's excitement, agreed, ready to share some scares and laughs in the darkened theater.

They purchased their tickets and made their way to find the perfect seats for the spooky adventure ahead.  

The dimly lit movie theater provided the perfect ambiance for the horror flick they had chosen. As the movie unfolded, Y/n found herself immersed in the suspense, occasionally letting out a small gasp or squeal at the unexpected scares.

Rin, on the other hand, enjoyed the adrenaline rush and found amusement in Y/n's reactions.

During particularly tense scenes, Y/n instinctively leaned her head against Rin's strong shoulder, seeking comfort and a sense of security.

Rin, embracing the moment, wrapped his arm around her, creating a cozy haven amidst the chilling atmosphere of the movie.

The credits rolled, signaling the end of the horror movie's suspenseful tale.

Rin and Y/n intertwined their fingers as they made their way out of the dimly lit theater.

The night air greeted them as they stepped into the parking lot, hand in hand, sharing a quiet moment of connection.

As they approached Rin's car, Y/n couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and warmth from the hand she held.

Rin, opening the car door for her, gestured for Y/n to take a seat, a small smile playing on his lips.

The purr of the engine and the soft hum of tires against the pavement accompanied Rin as he navigated the quiet streets leading to Y/n's house.

The night air was cool, and the gentle glow of streetlights painted a serene backdrop for their journey.

As they approached Y/n's home, pulling up to the familiar curb, Rin parked the Audi with a smooth precision. Turning off the engine, he turned to Y/n with a warm gaze, a subtle invitation lingering in his eyes. 

With a gentle smile, Rin stepped out of the car, swiftly making his way to Y/n's side. As he reached the passenger door, he opened it with a courteous gesture, revealing the night outside.

"Thank you," Y/n said, expressing her gratitude as she stepped out onto the pavement.

As they strolled towards the front door, Rin walking alongside Y/n, couldn't help but steal occasional glances, his teal eyes reflecting the warmth of the moment.

Reaching the front door, Y/n turned to face Rin, her expression reflecting a mix of gratitude and contentment. Rin's hand found its way to hers, their fingers intertwining naturally.  

Y/n smiled warmly and expressed her gratitude, "Rin, I had a really great time today. Thank you for the wonderful dinner, the movie, and just everything."

Rin returned her smile, "I'm glad you enjoyed it. I had an amazing time too."

As they stood on her doorstep, the air was charged with a pleasant tension, a subtle energy that hinted at unspoken feelings. Rin's gaze lingered on Y/n, appreciating the genuine happiness radiating from her

Y/n tilted her head slightly and whispered, "Rin, lean down for a moment."

Intrigued, Rin obliged, bending down to meet her.

Before he could comprehend what was happening, Y/n closed the distance, pressing her lips against his in a soft, lingering kiss.

When they finally pulled away, Y/n looked up at Rin with a hint of playfulness in her eyes, "Goodnight, Rin. I'll see you soon."

Rin stood there for a moment, a hand absentmindedly touching his lips where Y/n's kiss had lingered. He could still feel the warmth of the moment as she waved and disappeared into her house.

A smile played on his lips, and a gentle blush adorned his cheeks, realizing that tonight had been more than just a date; it was a collection of moments that made his heart race.

As he walked back to his car, thoughts of Y/n filled his mind, a small smile played on his lips as he muttered to himself, "I do like her a lot."

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