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As Y/n continued tracing her fingers along the intricate paths of Rin's veiny hands, a surprising calm seemed to settle over him.  Rin  allowed himself to drift into a serene nap, blissfully unaware of the tranquility Y/n had unwittingly bestowed upon him.

Observing Rin's peaceful slumber, Y/n couldn't resist the gentle curve of a smile that played on her lips.

Noticing the slight chill in his hands, she decided to offer a comforting gesture. With a tender touch, she clasped his hands within her own, hoping to share some warmth and tranquility.

As Rin stirred from his peaceful nap, he became aware of the warmth enveloping his hands. Opening his eyes, he discovered Y/n holding onto him, her fingers intertwined with his.

The realization brought a soft smile to Rin's face, and instead of pulling away, he responded by tightening his grip on her hands.

As the final bell echoed through the corridors, signaling the end of classes, Y/n gently nudged Rin, coaxing him from his peaceful slumber.

With a drowsy acknowledgment, he slowly opened his eyes, meeting Y/n's gaze.

Rin and Y/n rose from their seats, the rustle of papers and the clatter of books filling the air as they prepared to leave the classroom.

Rin, still in a somewhat drowsy state, lazily placed his books into his backpack. Y/n, on the other hand, organized her belongings with a sense of efficiency.

Exiting the classroom, Rin's hand found its way to Y/n's, fingers interlocking in a subtle yet comforting connection. He looked at her with a hint of curiosity and concern, asking, "Do you have practice today?"

Y/n shook her head in response to Rin's question about having practice.

A playful glint appeared in Rin's eyes as he proposed, "How about we head to the soccer field? We can have a little game together." The invitation held a hint of excitement.

Y/n hesitated for a moment, confessing, "I can't really play soccer." Rin, however, didn't seem deterred.

Instead, he flashed a reassuring smile and replied, "No worries, I'll teach you, it's easy."

Y/n chuckled at Rin's suggestion, "Well, I don't have change though, I think I have some spare shorts in my locker."

Rin, without hesitation, offered a solution, saying, "No problem, you can wear my jersey, it should be big enough to cover the shorts."

Rin led Y/n towards the soccer team's lockers, Rin opened his assigned locker, revealing his neatly folded soccer jersey adorned with his name and number.

He handed it to Y/n, a gesture that spoke volumes about his willingness to share a piece of his world with her.

Y/n, feeling a mix of excitement and gratitude, took the jersey from him, fingers briefly brushing in the exchange. The jersey, slightly oversized, carried the scent of fresh laundry and a hint of Rin's cologne,  Y/n pulled the jersey over her head, the fabric draping loosely around her frame.

Rin's eyes subtly traced Y/n's figure as she donned his soccer jersey. A soft smile played on his lips, and he couldn't help but express his genuine thoughts.

"You look good in my jersey," he remarked, his voice carrying a warmth that echoed a hint of admiration.

Hearing Rin's remark, Y/n couldn't help but find herself blushing and hiding her face with her palms.

Rin gently took Y/n's hands away from her blushing face, his gaze meeting hers with a soft intensity. "Don't hide that pretty face of yours," he said, a genuine warmth in his words.

Y/n couldn't help but smirk, teasing Rin further. "So, do you find me pretty or what?" she asked playfully.

Rin, maintaining his calm demeanor, responded with a genuine tone, "I've always found you pretty." The sincerity in his words made Y/n's heart flutter.

As Y/n and Rin stood there, inches apart, an intense gaze exchanged between them. The air was charged with a subtle tension as they felt each other's breath, the proximity creating a magnetic pull.

Rin's gentle touch traced the contours of Y/n's cheek, a tender caress that sent shivers down her spine. Y/n found herself wrapping her arms around Rin's neck, pulling him even closer.

As they were about to share a  kiss, the door was abruptly opened by Shidou entering the locker room, as he noticed the couple.

Caught off guard by the sudden intrusion, Rin and Y/n swiftly pulled away from each other. Y/n, her face flushed with embarrassment, stammered to explain while Rin maintained a composed demeanor.

Shidou, wearing a mischievous grin, continued to tease, "Am I interrupting something here, or did I just walk in on a secret rendezvous?"

Rin, unfazed, simply shot a stern look at Shidou and replied, "Mind your own business. We were just talking."

Rin, determined to teach Y/n the basics of soccer, led her to the field.

The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow across the green expanse.

Rin, with a focused yet gentle demeanor, guided Y/n through the proper technique for kicking the soccer ball. He positioned himself behind her, placing his hands on her hips to demonstrate the proper alignment of her body.

"Keep your stance steady, Y/n," he instructed, his voice calm and reassuring. "The power comes from your hips and the follow-through of your leg, let your body flow with the motion."

Y/n, attentive to Rin's guidance, adjusted her stance accordingly. As she kicked the ball under Rin's watchful eye, he provided encouraging feedback.

"That's it, Y/n. You're getting the hang of it. Smooth, controlled movements. It's all about balance and coordination," Rin commended, a hint of pride in his voice.

Rin then playfully dribbled the ball in front of Y/n, Y/n determined to tackle him, moved swiftly but found herself struggling to intercept his movements.

Rin, with a teasing grin, danced around the field, keeping the ball just out of Y/n's reach.

He showcased his agility, occasionally slowing down to let her come close before smoothly changing direction.

Feeling a bit fatigued, Y/n called for a break.

Rin, stopping the ball with a skilled touch, approached her. He suggested to rest, leading Y/n towards the benches at the side of the soccer field. The sun painted a warm glow on the green grass, creating a serene atmosphere.

As Y/n took a sip from the water bottle Rin handed her, she felt a refreshing burst of hydration.

Rin, always considerate, pulled a towel from his bag and stood in front of her. Y/n's gaze fixated on him as he gently wiped away the sweat that adorned her forehead.

Their eyes locked for a moment, a subtle intensity lingering in the air.

Y/n couldn't help but be drawn into Rin's beautiful teal eyes. As he wiped away the sweat from her forehead, she found herself complimenting him, "You have such beautiful eyes, Rin. I could stare into them all day."

Rin, though not one to show much emotion, offered a subtle smile at the compliment.

The sincerity in Y/n's words resonated, and a silent understanding lingered in the air.

Rin, drawn by the closeness and the sincerity in Y/n's eyes, leaned in closer. His breath brushed against her ear as he responded, "And I could stare at you every day."

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