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As the dinner reached its conclusion, plates and utensils scattered across the table, Rin offered, "I can take care of the dishes, you did most of the cooking."

Y/n, appreciating the gesture, smiled and nodded. "That would be great, thanks Rin."

As Rin prepared to tackle the dishes, Y/n decided to lend a hand. She grabbed an apron and approached him. "Here let me help you with that," she offered.

As Y/n gently placed the apron around Rin's neck and tied it securely, she couldn't help but notice the well defined muscles on his back beneath her brother's shirt. The unexpected sight gave her a fleeting moment of admiration, and she found herself momentarily captivated by the strong, built figure in front of her.

With the dishes washed and the kitchen in order, Rin turned to Y/n with gratitude. "Thanks for dinner and for letting me help with the dishes, I should probably head home now," he said, heading towards the door.

However, as he reached the entrance, it suddenly started to pour heavily. Y/n, noticing the change in weather, hesitated for a moment before suggesting, "It's pouring out there, why don't you stay the night? You can sleep in my brother's room since he's staying at his friend's house."

Rin, caught off guard by the sudden change in weather and the unexpected offer, considered it for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Sure, staying would be better than getting drenched, thanks Y/n."

As Y/n led Rin towards her brother's room, she reached for the doorknob, only to realize that the room was locked. A nervous chuckle escaped her lips. "It seems my brother locked his room, sorry about that."

She hesitated for a moment before glancing at Rin. "Um, I guess you could sleep in my room." she suggested obviously not letting him sleep in the cold living room.

Rin blushed appreciating her offer, nodded in agreement. "Sure, that works, thanks again Y/n."

With Rin agreeing to sleep in Y/n's room, they made their way down the hallway. As they approached Y/n's room, Layla joined the entourage, wagging her tail with curiosity.

"Looks like Layla wants to join the sleepover too," Y/n remarked with a chuckle, opening the door to her room.

Rin, amused by the canine company, stepped into Y/n's room as Layla bounded in with enthusiasm.

"Alright I'll leave you to get settled, I'm going to take a quick shower, make yourself at home," Y/n said, offering a warm smile as she headed towards the bathroom.

Rin, now alone in the room, took a moment to glance around, absorbing the details of Y/n's space. The sounds of the rain outside, Layla's occasional rustle, and the warmth of the room created a tranquil ambiance.

As Y/n returned from her shower, she expected to find Rin making himself comfortable or perhaps still getting settled. However, as she entered her room, a gentle surprise met her—the sight of Rin peacefully sleeping in her bed.

A soft smile tugged at the corners of Y/n's lips as she observed the unexpected tranquility of the scene. Layla, sensing the shift in atmosphere, had curled up on the floor near the bed. The room, once bustling with the echoes of the evening, now held a quiet serenity.

Deciding not to disturb him, Y/n quietly fetched a spare blanket and draped it over Rin.

Unable to resist the peaceful scene, Y/n decided to lay down next to Rin. The soft glow of a bedside lamp cast a warm ambiance as she observed his serene sleeping face.

A gentle smile played on her lips as she couldn't help but move a strand of hair away from his forehead. 'He's so pretty'.


As Y/n woke up, a sense of warmth and closeness enveloped her. She felt a gentle breath against her neck and the comforting embrace of an arm hugging her waist. The realization slowly dawned on her—Rin, who had fallen asleep beside her, was still there.

The room, touched by the morning light filtering through the curtains, held the remnants of an unexpectedly shared night. Y/n, momentarily surprised, turned to find Rin peacefully asleep beside her.

Gently removing Rin's arm as she got up, Y/n made her way to the kitchen. Inspired by the morning and the warmth of the unexpected companionship, she decided to prepare a simple yet hearty breakfast—a stack of fluffy pancakes with a side of fresh berries and a drizzle of maple syrup.

With breakfast ready in the kitchen, Y/n decided to wake Rin up. She approached the peacefully sleeping Rin and gently shook his shoulder. "Rin, breakfast is ready," she said with a soft smile.

Rin, gradually awakening, blinked a few times before registering the words. He nodded in acknowledgment, a hint of a morning smile playing on his lips. The unexpected night had turned into a tranquil morning, where the scent of pancakes beckoned them to the kitchen for a shared breakfast.

As Y/n and Rin made their way to the kitchen, they were met with an unexpected surprise—Y/n's mom, who had seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Y/n's eyes widened in shock, and she stammered, "Mom this is Rin, Rin meet my mom."

Y/n's mom, a mix of surprise and amusement in her expression, greeted Rin warmly. "Nice to meet you, Rin. I didn't expect to have a guest for breakfast.".

Y/n's mom, a playful glint in her eyes, couldn't help but ask with a smile, "Is Rin your boyfriend, Y/n?"

Caught off guard by the question, Y/n nervously chuckled and quickly replied, "No mom he's not, he's just a friend of mine."

Rin, who had been silently observing the exchange, joined in "Good morning Ms, it's a pleasure to meet you".

Seated around the breakfast table, Y/n, Rin, and Y/n's mom enjoyed the stack of pancakes and fresh berries. Y/n's mom couldn't resist making lighthearted comments, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Rin, you're a pretty handsome guy. Y/n you sure know how to pick interesting friends," she teased with a playful grin.

Y/n, caught between bites, blushed slightly, shooting a glance at Rin who simply chuckled at the banter.

As they finished breakfast, Y/n felt a twinge of embarrassment over her mom's playful remarks. Clearing her throat, she turned to Rin and offered a sincere apology, "Sorry about my mom's comments. She can be... a bit enthusiastic."

Rin waved off the apology. "No need to apologize it's all in good fun," he reassured.

"Hey um I need to get ready for school, why don't you wait for me in my room, I don't want my mom to suddenly bother you" Y/n sweated.

"Okay" as they head to Y/n's room, Y/n goes to get her uniform as she gets changed in her room's bathroom.

Meanwhile Rin's just sitting in her bed, playing with Layla.

After changing into her school uniform, Y/n emerged from the bathroom, ready for the day. Rin noticed something that caught his attention. He hesitated for a moment before gently pointing out, "Y/n, I think your skirt is a little bit short."

Y/n, glancing down and realizing it, blushed and quickly adjusted her skirt to a more appropriate length. "Ah, thanks for letting me know," she said with a sheepish smile, appreciating Rin's consideration.

As Y/n finished adjusting her skirt, a realization dawned upon her. She turned to Rin and hesitantly said, "Oh wait, you don't have your uniform with you, do you?"

Rin, realizing the oversight, shook his head. "No I don't have it."

Y/n thought for a moment before suggesting, "Why don't we swing by your house so you can change? We've got some time before school."

Rin agreed with a nod, appreciating Y/n's practical solution.

The morning continued with the duo heading towards Rin's house, as Rin opens the door entrance, he lets Y/n come in first as he didn't want to leave her outside waiting even if she insisted.

As they entered Rin's home, a voice was heard.

"Where were you Rin?".

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