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Y/n stood in front of the mirror, preparing for the upcoming soccer match that would decide the fate of her relationship with Rin. Her reflection revealed a determined expression as she applied a touch of makeup, a subtle enhancement that matched her anticipation for the event.

The chosen outfit was a comfortable pair of jeans that allowed for ease of movement on the sidelines. However, the key element that stood out was the jersey Rin had given her, proudly displaying his name on the back. Y/n decided to style the jersey in a way that accentuated the curves of her body, combining comfort with a touch of flirtatious charm.

She adjusted the fit, ensuring the jersey draped over her figure in a way that drew attention to her silhouette. Y/n couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness, the stakes of the match making every detail more significant.

As she finished preparing, Y/n took a final glance in the mirror, her eyes reflecting a blend of determination and confidence. Ready to support Rin and witness the outcome of the match, she left for the field, where the atmosphere was charged with both the anticipation of victory and the promise of a new beginning.

Y/n arrived at the soccer field, scanning the area to find Kumi among the spectators. As she moved through the crowd, Y/n's eyes darted around, searching for her friend's familiar face.

Finally spotting Kumi waving from a spot near the bleachers, Y/n made her way over. The two friends exchanged excited greetings, sharing their enthusiasm for the upcoming match.

As they settled into their chosen spot, Y/n couldn't shake the mix of nerves and anticipation that fueled her excitement.

Kumi, sharing Y/n's enthusiasm, suggested they go over sidelines and wish them luck. Y/n agreed with a smile, and together they navigated through the buzzing crowd towards the soccer team.

As Y/n and Kumi waited for the boys to emerge from the locker room, a couple of players from the opposing team approached them, trying to strike up a conversation. They began to flirt, showering compliments on both Y/n and Kumi. The atmosphere grew a bit awkward as the girls exchanged glances, uncertain about how to handle the attention.

Kumi, always quick to respond, flashed a friendly smile and politely thanked them for the compliments. Y/n, on the other hand, remained reserved, not entirely comfortable with the situation.

As Y/n and Kumi tried to move away from the flirtatious encounter, one of the guys from the opposing team persisted and approached Y/n directly.

He began asking for her name and phone number, making Y/n visibly uncomfortable. Despite her discomfort, Y/n firmly declined, stating that she wasn't interested and wished to focus on the upcoming match. 

As the persistent guy continued to press Y/n for her phone number, his insistence grew more desperate. He begged, "Come on, just give me your number. We could have a great time together."

However, before Y/n could respond, someone stepped in to intervene. It was Rin, and he wasn't pleased with the situation. He sternly told the guy to leave Y/n alone, saying, "She already said no. Respect that and find someone else to bother." 

The persistent guy, refusing to back down, decided to provoke Rin further. "Why do you care? It's not like she's your girlfriend or anything," he sneered.

Rin, with a calm yet firm demeanor, responded, "Actually, she is." He glanced at Y/n, a subtle but meaningful acknowledgment of the connection they shared.    

The guy, angered by Rin's response, retorted, "We'll see about that. Once we win, she'll be in my bed."

Rin, not tolerating such disrespect, chuckled and calmly approached the guy. With a swift movement, he delivered a punch to the guy's stomach. "Watch your mouth," Rin warned, his eyes narrowing. The guy, now more cautious, backed off.

Y/n, noticing Rin's intense reaction, gently touched his arm and said, "Rin, calm down. It's not worth it."

Rin sighed, looking at Y/n with a hint of frustration. "I just don't like when guys try to hit on you. It's annoying."

Y/n smiled, appreciating his protectiveness, "Well, I can handle it. Let's focus on your match, okay?"

Rin nodded but couldn't help but notice Y/n wearing his jersey, and a warm smile crossed his face. "You look gorgeous in my jersey," he said, moving closer and gently wrapping his arm around her waist.

Y/n blushed at the compliment, feeling a comforting warmth in Rin's presence.  

As the atmosphere between them intensified, Rin found himself unable to resist the magnetic pull drawing him closer to Y/n.

He stared intensely into her eyes, his hand gently caressing her jawline. Feeling the anticipation in the air, Rin couldn't help but voice the question that lingered on his mind.

"Can I kiss you right now?" he asked, his voice low and filled with desire.

As Y/n slowly nodded, Rin couldn't wait any longer.

He closed the distance between them, capturing her lips in a kiss that held both intensity and passion. The world around them seemed to fade away as they surrendered to the moment, Y/n pulling Rin closer by folding her arms around his neck. 

As they pulled away from the first kiss, Y/n couldn't resist the desire for more. She pulled Rin into another passionate kiss, both of them smiling between the exchanged kisses.

When they finally broke apart, Y/n playfully remarked, "Consider that a good luck kiss for your match." Their smiles lingered, sharing a moment filled with anticipation for what was to come.

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