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3rd POV

"So what did you find?" Damien asked.

"It was like a ghost town. The whole area is deserted of course. It's almost like the area had not been touched for decades and it likely hasn't." Orion replied as the tailor used his magic to sow his suit together.

There was a long pause before Orions said anything else

"We can't ever let her go there." He said facing Damien.

"Their bodies are still in the position they were in when they were all burned alive." He said with a heavy face. Damien didn't need to be told twice. He trusted Orion.

"That place. The bodies. The children." He said softly.

"Whoever this is. They're sick."

"I found her grandmother's house."


"Something seems off about her grandmother though. I went to her home and there was nothing wrong with it. No burns, no broken glass, everything was left completely untouched."

"Do you think she was in on it?" Damien asked.

"I don't know. But it had to have been someone very close to them." He expressed as he clipped in his cuff links.

"I know it did because the Dark Phoenix coven was very sought after for their skill in combat compared to the rest of their kingdom. It never made sense how the whole clan got knocked out in one single shot. It had to be a middle man and it had to be somebody else in the castle that helped whoever this is to kill her mother."

"You think it was the grandmother." Damien said simply.

"I don't want to say that but it might be possible. I don't want to rule anybody out."

"But I thought it was a bomb that went off? There has to be some type of residue. I should have gone with you. I could have helped."

"You don't know the area and the Elves would have attacked. Plus you need to be here and get some bonding time with Zia." Orion explained. Damien only smirked.

"Speaking of which, are you ready?" Orion asked, knocking him from his memories of bliss.

"For what?"

"To share our mate with the rest of the world?" Orion asked.

"I already share her with you." He answered with a laugh, making Orion laugh in return. 

"You know it's not the same. The crowned princess of three kingdoms. All three being the biggest kingdoms in the universe.

"She won't just be ours, she will belong to 100's of millions of other people."

"Sounds to me like you're more worried than I am."  Damien looked over at Orion and Orion sighed,

"I feel like I waited so long and to have to share her is just," He sat down in his seat as the taylor finished up his work.

"I know it may seem that way but at least you're not in it alone. We just have to be stingy with the alone time we do have with her. Like these next few months. It will just be us in a deserted realm. Nothing more alone than that." Orion laughed and finally looked up at his old friend.

He and Damien had on the same black suit and watching black velvet loafers but Damien had his family crest on his tie making his red eyes pop with black velvet loafers on his feet. His hair combed back with a part that looks like it goes with the scar on his right eyebrow.

A knock came at the door and an attendant walked in with his head bowed.

"You majesties, the festivities will begin shortly. If you will follow me to the grand hall." He said.

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