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Zia's POV

This is amazing. I have been wined and dined all night by my two new favorite people in the world.

They had the entire restaurant bought out so that it was just us. I got to see a side of Damien that was different from his flirty dominant personality. He was really charming . He was also a huge physical touch person. He was very affectionate and his strong hands felt so good caressing me. I guess that comes from his latin side.

The romantic however was definitely Orion. He was so doting and gentle. Every touch he gave me was just as tender as the first. The way he looked at me was just as tender.

"Ok mi vida time for one last place and then we can go home."

"Aww I was really looking forward to you feeding me more food." I pouted and Orion kissed my lips.

"No need to pout, a mhuirnín. The night is still full of adventure and I would love to explore you all night long." He whispered against my lips.

I smile and he stands up pulling me with him.

"Lets go have fun a mhuirnín."

We teleported to a club and were already inside. It was nice, very gothic themed like most places in this kingdom.

"Finally you made it." I heard beside us.

"Isabella." I sang happily.

"Hola mami." She hugged me and kissed both my cheeks.

"You look good. Fate did bless you with a beautiful body." She looked at me and slapped her shoulder.

"You are so gay." I say laughing.

We sit down and I see a drink already waiting for me.

"I got it for you. It's amazing. Some type of special aphrodisiac."

"And you trust that shit?"

"Yeah just drink it lightly on your first go around." She took a sip of the golden liquid and hummed.

I shrug my shoulders and take a sip. It tastes like caramel and vanilla. No alcohol in sit I can say that much I want another one.

I finish that one and wave at the waitress standing at our door.

I pointed at the cup and she waved her hand and another cup appeared.

"This is amazing." I say.

"Thank you." I hear behind me.

I turn around and see a buff tall man with large black wings behind him. An all black suit tailored to his body. His skin was dark which made his blue eyes pop.

"Hello, how are you doing? My name is Bellamy." He held out his hand with a smile.

I shake his hand pulling it back not wanting to hold his hand long.

"Hello Bellamy I'm Zia."

"Oh I know exactly who you are, Lost Princess. What brings a sweet thing like you to my club?" I raise my eyebrows at him and put my drink down.

"Bellamy back off. You don't want my cousin to cause a scene here." Isa said, catching his attention. 

"Hello Isabella."

"Bellamy, is there a problem?" Damien was standing behind him face stone cold.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear."

"Damien. How nice to see you again my friend."

"What do you want?" Damien asked

"I saw the new Princess come in and I wanted to say hello. I mean, royals should always know each other." He said with a smirk.

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