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Zia's POV 

"Hello Zia." Lilith said with a smile.

"Lilith Hi." She patted the seat next to her and I sat down.

"How have you been? I know it's been a few days but we're trying to prepare for your arrival into the spirit realm." She said simply.

"I was visited by an Oracle a few days ago." She looked shocked.

"They don't usually come out from hiding." She said,

"I know." I said with a sigh

"What's wrong, little sunshine?" She asked in her deep rich voice.

"The weight of the world is on my shoulders Lilith. I'm tired and I haven't even got started. I just found out that I could either kill everyone or save everyone." I say solemnly.

"I know." She sighed. "I had the same experience. When I lost Johnny. I leveled the area so much that my essence is still in the soul. That much power in one person is dangerous. People lusted after my power. My own mother struck a deal to have an angel drain my power. The same is happening to you."

"But I don't understand why I am so afraid. I've never been scared of anything before."

"What is life without fear?" She said, "You are afraid of a lot but you turned it into anger. Which in turn turned it into you locking yourself away. From everyone."

"You're afraid now because you have much to lose. You father, your mates, a new family that you chose and that chose you." Looked down at my hands and sigh. She was right. I had everything to lose right now. Everything I had just got could slip away and I could be the cause of it.

"Be that as it may, you must learn to cherish the ones around you because they are the ones who will help you through your darkest times."

"Johnny kept me afloat through some crazy storms. Even when I thought I would drown knowing he wouldn't know what to do with himself." She said and laughed.

"He left everything just for me. He loved me more than anything and made me feel I was good enough to be loved. And it was a blessing being married to him. To be able to know that Fate put me with someone so gentle and loving because God's know I was anything but gentle. And I definitely did not know how to be a mother. But as long as I had him I could do anything. And I would do anything for him."

"But when he died, so did all the love I had." She said sadly looking at the purple sky above.

"I couldn't love my daughters and in turn they grew up to not know love. I caused my decedents to hate society and in turn they never knew love and passed that down from generation to generation. A hatred I started." She shook her head and looked at me and grabbed my hands and I turned towards her.

"We're all afraid of something and every fear I had I see in you. Life is very challenging but it's so much better when you do it with someone who loves you unconditionally." She kissed my forehead and I started to wake up.

I felt soft kisses on my face waking me from my dream.

"Good morning mi vida." Damien sang.

"Good morning papi." I said sweetly.

"Mm. I love when you call me that." He kissed my lips and it took me by surprise. I hate when he kisses me straight out of my sleep. Morning breath eww.

"I'm sorry princessa. I know you hate it when I kiss you before you brush your teeth but I wanted to get some alone time with you before you start getting ready for tonight." He said sweetly. He puts up a domineering persona but when it's just us he's such a sweetheart.

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