The Reintroduction

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Papa gaped when he saw me. His mouth dropped and his eyes widened.

He sat at the kitchen table, bouncing Ben on his knee.

I felt blood rush to my cheeks at the attention. "Say something, Papa." I spoke nervously.

He moved a restless Ben over to his other knee before picking up his crutch and using it to hoist himself up.

I saw the two guards who were in the cramped kitchen focus their eyes on him.

I had noticed how the guards looked at Papa. Almost in awe.

I was certain it had something to do with him apparently being a decorated soldier. But I knew he wouldn't want questions on the matter so I didn't ask.

Papa started walking towards me.

Stella interceded and took Ben off his hands

Papa stopped in front of me and looked at me with pride in his eyes.

"You look like your mother, Amara ." He spoke.

Mama appeared behind him.
"You look like a queen."

I blushed.

I tried to picture my parents. Tried to form any connection with the people who gave me life but I couldn't even remember existing in the castle. Tren was all I had ever known.

That made me feel more and more like a fraud. Even though we had gone through what I was going to say countless times. Trina might not have liked the idea of having Stella around at first but once she saw that Stella was actually more of a help, she let her take charge with the whole thing.

"Mawa!" Ben screamed, reaching his pudgy arms out to me. I smiled. Atleast he still saw me for who I was.

I wanted to reach out and take him out of Stella's arms but before I could, a guard quickly placed himself between us.

"Sorry princess but the child's bending poses a threat to you with that crown on your head."

I frowned. I understood that Ben's zapping wasn't controlled and that bolts didn't go with metal but this was Ben. He was a child. He was my baby brother. He wouldn't do anything to hurt me.

Trina cleared her throat from behind me, causing me to turn around to face her.

"Princess Tamara, Prince Aiden is outside waiting for you."

"Oh." I spoke. I wrung my hands together nervously. It was almost time to officially present myself to the people of Tren as a princess.

The thought made my stomach feel like it was tying into knots.

"Will my family and friends be by my side?" I asked Trina.

She looked from Stella to Ben to Mama and Papa.

She purses her lips before answering.

"I suppose having them beside you would offer some support." She spoke. "But I have clear instructions that you must be by Prince Aiden's side throughout the actual event. So we will arrange an automobile for your family and your friend but you must ride with Prince Aiden."

I nodded and looked at the others to see if they agreed to this. They seemed to be on board.

If this was the best deal, we would take it.

"Now we must get going, your majesty." Trina spoke.

"Wait, but Flint isn't here." I spoke frantically.

Trina sighed. "We have no time. We have a schedule to keep if we are to start on our way to Trojan this very day. The king will be expecting us by tomorrow."

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