Duty Before Self

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I tried to focus on Ben who was sprawled out on a mat besides the dining table we sat at.

I didn't look to my left where Papa sat quietly beside me and I definitely didn't look ahead where the Prince of the Fire kingdom sat, looking way out of place in our tiny kitchen.

His guards looked even more out of place, the lady in the slightly different uniform stood to the side behind the prince, her hands tucked behind her back, her expression, serious.

Two other guards were cramped behind her.

Four other guards had been left outside to guard the house and keep people away.

Ben giggled as he tugged on his own foot, trying to pull it closer to his mouth.

Prince Aiden looked at him with an expression I could only describe as unamused.

So far, I hadn't seen any other expression on his face.

The room was silent apart from Ben's baby sounds filling the room as he tried to articulate the few words he knew. He seemed oblivious to the various emotions in the room.

The Prince and his party's obvious impatience and discomfort. Papa was tense as far as I could tell but he covered it up well by sitting with his back straight and keeping a calm expression on his face.

I was a lot of things, I was confused, shocked, worried, restless and I guess all the other emotions you would feel if you were told you were the long lost princess the whole fire nation had been wondering about for years.

I fingered the ring on my finger absent mindedly. Flint immediately came to my mind, the image of him bowing down to me along with Stella and Pam and my parents, it just wasn't right.

It gave me a feeling I couldn't possibly get used to.
The sounds of footsteps got all our attention as Mama came into the room with a tray in her hands.
I could smell the ginger tea and freshly roasted dragon nuts.

Her hands were shaking and it's a wonder how she didn't spill anything.

She smiled nervously before setting the tray in the middle of the table.

She stood back and bowed.

"My Prince, I've prepared a rare fire kingdom delicacy. I know you can probably get these wherever you want but I've been told mine are the best." Her voice was shaky. Who could blame her? We were in the presence of royalty after all.

"That was not necessary." The Prince spoke monotonously, hardly even sparing Mama a glance.

Well that was rude.

"Prince Aiden cannot take anything that his personal guards haven't seen prepared." The caramel skinned lady explained.

To be honest, she looked almost as regal as the Prince. Her skin looked beautiful and smooth entailing that she came from wealth. Her face was gorgeous, she had almond shaped eyes and delicate, feminine features. One wouldn't expect to see such a beauty in an army uniform. You would think men were shoving each other to ask for her hand.

Her slightly different uniform was a mystery to me.

As far as I knew, men and women in the army wore the same uniforms.

Mama's face dropped.

I quickly took a dragon nut to try and appease her but all I received was an unsatisfied look from the Prince and a small shake of the head from Papa.

I slowly put it back on the plate.

Mama gave me an appreciative smile none the less.

Prince Aiden cleared his throat and placed his muscular arms on the table before leaning forward.

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