The Castle

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"Is she still crying?" I heard the unmistakably irritable voice of Prince Aiden speak from outside the automobile.

"What do you expect? You literally dragged her away from her home and loved ones against her will." Trina's voice followed.

"Technically speaking, you dragged her away from her friends and family. I simply just gave the order." He muttered.

"Hilarious." Trina said dryly.

My eyes fluttered open.

I was lying in the back seat of the automobile. A blanket covered me and I could make out the gold reflection of my crown on the floor.

I don't know how long we had been driving. I didn't even look out the window. I didn't want to see how much further I was getting away from my home... from Flint.

I cried so much I developed a headache and I presume that is when I had fallen asleep having no idea who had bothered to cover me.

Thinking about my situation caused my heart to ache. Looking at that crown... wondering when things changed so drastically. Not long ago, the only time I would even hear Prince Aiden's name was during our prayers or when Stella and Kai constantly gushed about him. The prospect of meeting him was far fetched for any of us. Except maybe Kai who was determined to meet him atleast once during her training in Agni. But me... I never wanted any of this, to be the long lost princess. And apparently Prince Aiden's life long fiancée. I wanted to be Flint's fiancé. No matter how poor we would be, all I wanted was a simple life with him. Nothing else.

I could still see the look in his eyes. That desperate look in his eyes. I could only imagine the one I had in my own eyes. I hated that that was the last he saw of me. Who knew if I would ever see him again.

The thought caused more tears to run down my face.

"She must still be asleep." I heard Trina say. "What's your order, your majesty?"

Prince Aiden scoffed. "You never use that title when it's just the two of us."

"Aiden." Trina spoke more forcefully. "Your parents will want to meet the princess soon. You can't present her to them like this - that is if she even decides to comply."

"I know how to get her to comply, tie a chain to her-"

"Aiden." Trina warned.

"Honestly, I couldn't care less about her royal pain. Her appearance has done nothing but ruin my life."

I had ruined his life? If I had the courage, I would have had half the mind to correct him.

But I wasn't outspoken like Stella. I wasn't brave like Flint.

I wasn't royalty. There must have been a mistake.

"Well her appearance matters whether you like it or not." Trina spoke. Ordering the crowned Prince around again.

Her voice suddenly got softer. "Listen, I know what this is doing to you. I probably understand it better than anyone."

There was silence for a while. I heard movement but could not see what was happening outside.

Finally, I heard Prince Aiden sigh.

"Get her to her chambers. Let the handmaids work on her. And tomorrow she will meet the king and queen whether she likes it or not." The prince ordered.

I heard footsteps and could only assume he had walked away.

The door to the automobile was opened.

And the dim lighting of a lantern was in my face.

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