The Water Kingdom

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Third Person's pov

The Water Kingdom

The man ran as fast as his feet could take him, sprinting faster than he had ever done before in his life.
He knew he didn't have the luxury to slow down. He knew this wasn't just any news and the Queen would want to hear of it immediately.
He ran down the draw bridge, he was sure he would surely feel the cold the minute the adrenaline wore off.
He was a native of the water Kingdom, sure but he had spent so much time in the fire nation as a spy and he had gotten used to their naturally warmer weather.
He was already having trouble with the heavier air and all he had to keep him warm was the cloak he had hastily purchased when he docked at the last train station.
The Water Nation was unsurprisingly mostly water so trains only went as far as the capital city, Staden.
The Water bender manned canoes were the cheapest and fastest way to get around from there.
The man muttered bitterly to himself when he remembered how much the water bender at the docks had charged him.
If he hadn't been in such a hurry, he would have definitely given him some choice words.
He had been away from his home for four years but the unfair treatment towards non benders and foreigners was still very much a thing.
It might even have been worse than the discrimination in the fire nation.
He didn't let the bad memories of his mission stop him.
Finally, after four whole years he had news. Big news. News that would surely grant him favour in the queen's eyes.
"Ey! Who goes there?" A guard at the entrance doors spoke, raising a hand to stop the man from advancing.
He straightened and looked him straight in the eyes.
"My name is Richard Simmons of the Water Nations hemlig soldat division three." The man rolled up his sleeve to show the guard his special units mark, three waves.
"Where is your station, agent?"
"I have been in the lower parts of the fire nation for the past four years. Check with commander Wilson, he'll confirm my deployment."
The guard eyed him suspiciously before turning to whisper to another guard.
The other guard disappeared through the gates.
"Wait here while we confirm your details."
Richard Simmons tapped his foot impatiently.
"Well could you hurry it up? This is very important."
The guard narrowed his eyes at the man.
"It could take hours, especially given that Commander Wilson isn't in."
Richard Simmons stepped up to the guard. "But this news is very important!"
"Does it concern the safety of the royal family or the nation?" The guard asked, seeming to not believe Richard.
Richard faltered. "No... b-but it has to do with the ascension!" He spoke up.
This seemed to get the attention of the guard. He looked at Richard Simmons skeptically.
"What would a talang like you know about the ascension?"
Richard scowled at the word.
The discrimination against non benders really hadn't improved one bit.
"Valuable information that I'm definitely not about to disclose to the likes of you." Richard shot back.
The guard clenched his fists and Richard heard the unmistakable sound of ice cracking.
He had gotten into fights with benders plenty of times. He hardly ever won any but he was still alive so that was something.
He knew taking on a royal guard would probably get him arrested but with how upset he was now, he didn't care.
He was about the take a step forward to size up his opponent but just then the other guard returned and nodded at him.
"You check out, special agent. You have ten minutes with the Queen. Don't waste her time."
Richard forgot all about his brawl and let the guard search him.
"Follow me." He spoke.
Richard was lead down the long ice path that led to the doors of the palace.
It was one of the water tribes greatest military tactics.
All of Staden was surrounded by water ensuring that not just anybody could get in.
And then there was the palace that had walls made of ice so high and impenetrable, you would be a fool to think you could invade it.
The doors to the castle were immediately opened and Richard fought the urge to gasp.
One could visit the Water Kingdoms castle multiple times and still be overwhelmed by its shear beauty all the time.
One of the greatest minds of their day had designed it, using only the rarest crystalline materials that caught light in all the right places so that the castle almost looked like it was literally made of ice.
"Follow me." The guard who had spoken to the man before spoke before he turned into the palace and started marching down select hallways.
Richard was so excited and giddy that he hardly paid attention to where the guard was taking him. It went against all his training to not be this careful but at this point, he really didn't care.
If all went well he would definitely be retiring after this.
The guard stopped outside two large blue doors with intricate Water carvings on them.
There were two guards guarding that door as well.
The guard who was escorting the man whispered something in one of the other's ear.
This guard eyed Richard suspiciously.
Richard was searched again before the doors swung open.
"Ten minutes." The guard reminded him before gesturing that he could enter.
In spite of Richards anxiousness, he hesitated a bit before finally sucking in a deep breath.
Do it for the reward. He told himself.
And with that, he stepped over the threshold.
The large room had high ceilings and smooth white pillars. The inricate patterns of the water nation were all over the walls. The room was mostly empty.
Except of course for the elevated stage at the end of it that held five thrones. The largest was occupied but that's not the one Richard focused on.
It was the one on the left side of it.
It was easy to forget there were other people in the room when one laid their eyes on Queen Brielle.
She was one of the main reasons people of Oris said the most beautiful women came from the water tribe.
She was strikingly gorgeous. Her pale skin was flawless and milky, her platinum blonde hair, long and shiny but then there were those deep blue eyes that seemed to pierce the soul.
As Richard walked forward, he saw a girl to the queen's left sitting on a smaller throne.
He knew exactly who she was immediately.
Princess Anita.
A carbon copy of her mother, only younger and with more delicate features.
Their next ascension candidate.
Richard felt his feet get heavier as he advanced.
He hadn't really thought through how intimidated and nervous he would feel standing in front of royalty.
And then of course, King Edward in the largest throne. The man had dark hair and a serious face. His eyes watched Richard curiously as he approached.
One of the guards standing below the throne stage raised a hand for him to stop.
Richard obeyed immediately and got down on one knee and bowed his head.
He was grateful the rest of the royal family wasn't here.
"It's an honour, your majesties." He spoke.
"You do not speak unless given permission." A guards booming voice interrupted and Richard felt himself flinch.
He wanted to apologise immediately but was he allowed to do that?
"Identify yourself and state your intentions." The guard ordered.
Richard was still bowing as he spoke.
"Richard Simmons of h-her majesty's hemlig soldat division three. I have been working in the fire nation for four years and I come baring important news."
"Brielle, I assume this is your doing." King Edward spoke, looking at his sister in law.
"Ah yes, my secret soldiers." The woman's velvety voice echoed through the room.
She turned to address Richard. "I hope your information is more valuable than the other failures whom I deployed to the other kingdoms."
"Very much so, my queen." Richard hastily spoke.
"Rise." King Edward spoke.
Richard got up but his eyes never rose to the Queen's beautiful face.
"Well, go on and tell me what this valuable information is."
The Queen spoke.
Richard sucked in a deep breath.
"King Blaise... He... It was all a cover up when they said his whole family was murdered."
Queen Brielle glared at the man.
"If you have come here to tell me lies commoner, I will have you thrown in the dungeons." She spoke angrily.
Richard shuddered and finally looked up to see the rage in the queen's eyes.
The guards tensed up, ready to follow any orders the queen gave.
Richard panicked.
"I swear on my life your majesty! Princess Tamara is alive and well. I saw the phoenix identify her with my own eyes. I saw Prince Aiden whisk her away to the palace!"
"Prince Aiden? You mean King Joash knows about this?" King Edwards voice boomed.
"Yes! They've known about this... they've been hiding the princess. I swear on everything I have your majesty! I speak the truth!"
Queen Brielle narrowed her eyes at the man.
She turned to look at King Edward.
"If this is the truth, that changes everything."
"How?" Princess Anita asked. "I don't see why this girl's appearance should change anything."
"Oh it will, dear. She is the last true heir to the fire nation. Her father was the last high king. She has a claim to two thrones and if she must choose..."
"This could stir a lot of political conflict." King Edward huffed. "How could Joash keep such vital information a secret from the other kingdoms?"
"We need to take care of it. You know that." Queen Brielle told King Edward.
"I agree." King Edward spoke. "Guards get me some parchment! I need to write a letter. "


A/N Welcome to the water Kingdom people.
What do you think so far?
Comments would really be helpful please.

P.s We go back to Amara's pov in the next chapter.

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