The Warning

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Queen Sheila moved as graceful as a swan but her gestures were sudden and dramatic as she navigated the castle.

There was excitement in her eyes and her voice was jovial as she spoke of the place she called home. The small nooks and crannies which held meticulous detail, the grand staircases made of the most exquisite wood and expensive metal imported from the Earth Kingdom. She pointed out the statues and what or rather - whom they represented.

The relics the great King Smith helped forge through his discovery of metal bending by encouraging Earth benders and Fire benders to work together.

The miniature globes the Air Kingdom has gifted the castle which had tiny whirlwinds which blew in them when you shook them.

The crystal of the chandeliers and the glass crafted from the same skilled craftsmen who designed the majestic Water Kingdom Palace.

The castle was mostly built of metal, concrete and special wood that didn't catch fire easily for obvious reasons.

There were many lamps around, most weren't lit because it was day time. The place was also extremely ventilated because of all the fire bending that took place. Widows and vents were placed all around to allow light and air to come in.

I tried to take in all I could but it was honestly too much and I was sure if I was left alone, I would get lost in a matter of seconds.

Evangeline, it seemed was to Queen Sheila what Mikayla was to me.

She followed the queen everywhere with a journal in her hand.

If she approved of me or not, I couldn't tell, she was awfully quiet around me and just gave Mikayla stern looks when she tried to speak up.

So far the had shown me dozens of rooms, the kitchen, where chefs specialised in a specific firebending prepared meals, the ballroom, where the grandest of balls and parties were held, not too far, the music room, where apparently Princess Azura excelled in playing almost all the instruments.

"This is all so amazing." I told the Queen.

"Indeed." She responded. "When Joash first got inaugurated, the children had such a hard time adjusting. Azura was only a baby, of course but Aiden kept getting lost and the maids would find him in the most perculiar places." Queen Sheila spoke.

Talking to her was surprisingly so easy. I felt like I was speaking to an aunt I never thought I knew.

"Did you spend much time in the castle - with my mother, I mean?"

I couldn't help but wonder how my mother roamed this large hallways everyday of her life. Did it become a boring old routine? Or was it fascinating in new ways everyday?

"Oh Tiana was way too cool for us." Queen Sheila giggled. "She didn't like to spend her time with us, the other noble ladies, she was always sneaking around with Christine, looking for new exciting things to do. I always envied them so much. I always knew your mother wouldn't choose to marry some boring old noble. It was only fitting that she found Blaise."

I couldn't help but say it but my mother kind of sounded like Flint.

"Do you know how they met?"

"Oh everyone knows how they met. It was the talk of the town! Your grandfather invited some of the best soldiers of Agni to reside in the castle for a special training program. Your father was among those soldiers who held that honour, ofcourse. He was an exceptional bender but what really got him here was his intellect. Everyone knew Blaise had his wits about him. Some of the best weapons and technologies of the nation were built and devised by him. Your mother was wandering around the castle one day - she sure loved to flirt with the soldiers and they liked to flirt right back. I mean who wouldn't? Your mother was quite the beauty queen. The annual masquerade ball was to be celebrated with the soldiers that night. Your mother wasn't allowed to go but of course, Tiana being Tiana found her way in. She was wearing a mask that evening - a beautiful black number with gold plaits around it. It was simply divine. But the mask did little to conceal her identity, really. It was only a matter of time until her father found her out. So your mother grabbed the first person she could find to be her cover for the night. It just so happened that that man was your father." Queen Sheila stopped to laugh.

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