Private Meetings

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And so, God gave it to us.

He didn't just place it in our hands,

He placed it in our souls, our spirits.

It courses through our blood yet it does not  consume us.

It dances across our skin yet it does not destroy us.

What a beautiful gift fire is.

I stared impatiently at Mikayla playing with flames on her finger tips.

She was seated sideways quietly across the room on a seat in front of my dresser while I sat on my bed in a more comfortable dress.

But even though I was more comfortable now, my mind definitely wasn't at ease.

Not just because of Lord Ferdinand's warning but because of what had happened right after the soldier had delivered his message.

The atmosphere had changed immediately in that room.

Everyone had gotten tense. Especially Prince Aiden who ordered Trina and Mikayla to take me away.

Next thing I knew, I was being whisked away with all my questions being ignored.

'They know.'

Those two words are what had changed everything for some reason.

But who knew?

And what did they know?

What was it with this place?

So many secrets.

So many unanswered questions too.

I had finally had enough.

Sitting over here and over thinking definitely wasn't helping me in any way.

I got off my bed and marched towards Mikayla.

"Will you please tell me what's going on!" I snapped.

Mikayla sighed. "Princess, I already told you, some information is too sensitive and I cannot-"

"I'm the princess, don't I deserve to know what's supposed to be my own castle?" I asked.

Mikayla nodded frantically. "Yes, I mean you do, technically but -"

"But nothing!" I argued. "Tell me what's happening this instant. I - I order you."

The last words felt strange leaving my mouth. This wasn't me.
But I was anxious and desperate. I needed answers.

Mikayla looked at the closed entrance door that was being manned by two guards, no doubt to keep me in here.

She got up and wringed her hands together nervously before finally opening her mouth to speak.

"Word seems to have gotten out to the other kingdoms about the long lost princess' return." She let out.

I was confused.

That was it?

"What is the matter with that?" I asked.

Wasn't my rediscovery supposed to be broadcasted to the other kingdoms eventually?

Mikayla took a step closer to me.

"Think about how it looks, princess. The Fire Kingdom already has a - err... a history. Especially with King Joash."

I immediately thought back to the kingdom's brief change of sides during the rebel occupation.

"So what? The other kingdoms will see this as a betrayal?" I asked.

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