Well, what do YOU want??..

Start from the beginning

"No, nothing like that. It's actually just about me and you.." no going back now.

"Oh" Vox puts his arms behind his back. He looks around the room as if he didn't know either.

An awkward feeling spreads all around my body. I clear my throat and walk to the living room. Vox follows me and sits beside me, leaving space in between us.


"This is awkward.." I cringe and fiddle with my hands in my lap. "I'm just gonna get the question out of the way. What are we to each other?.."

I look up and turn my head to him. He looks at me and stays quiet. I wait for an answer while we hold eye contact.

"Well......what do you want?" He finally speaks.

I sit for a second. How to answer this.

"Uh- first- how do you feel? About me...this... I dunno-" I go back to fiddling with my hands. My leg bounces a bit while I think.

Vox stays quiet. I stay quiet. Then sigh.

"I hate how you make me feel.." he says quietly. My heart drops and I my breath slows. Oh..

"Oh okay then." I murmur and put my hands in my lap. I look at the floor.

"Oh- shit- no- not like the way you're taking it." Vox face palms.

"I hate it because it's new. You make me feel.. fuzzy? Inside..? Is that the correct way of putting it?" He reaches my hand. "I like having you close. I love being near you. Even if it makes me feel..weird..it's a good weird-" he gives me a nervous smile.

A weight feels like it's been lifted off my shoulders. I have a smile on my face as I look at him.

"So.. what do you want?" My heart quickens as he asks this.

"Well..." I breathe in. "I'd like if we became something.."

"Then that's what will happen." He looks at me with a caring smile.

"Wait- r-really?"

"Would it make you happy?" He says softly. I nod. "Then yes really."

"B-but like- Is that what you want?"

"Would I be saying this all if it wasn't?" He grins. I chuckle and shake my head.

"Alright then. Y/n," He grabs ahold of my other hand. "Would you like to give me the honor of having you as my girlfriend?" I nod instantly.

Smiling he brings me close and kisses me.

I lean forward kissing him passionately. He pulls me onto his lap by my waist. I gasp for my breath in between each movement. My body feels hot as Vox slowly makes his way to my neck.

He kisses my neck with such passion. One hand makes it to my hair. I lean my head into the crook of his neck. So many emotions wash over me as he kisses me once more.

Sparks flicker in my heart. I feel his tongue slowly creep its way into my mouth as we kiss. I groan and wrap my arms around his neck. Everything slows down and he smiles at me. I look into his eyes.

"Thank you" he says as he kisses me again.


I smile sleepily. I'm laying on Vox's chest as he rubs my back gently. Every so often he kisses me on my head.

Today was great. I close my eyes. Vox messed with my hair sweetly. He's been much more clingy since we've made it official. I don't mind it though. I'm glad he's around.

As I almost fall asleep the static fills my ears once again. Goosebumps run along my spine. I open my eyes and see Vox pretty much asleep. It seems like whispering through a walkie-talkie. From a far distance. It keeps talking. Causing more discomfort. What the fuck is this-

I close my eyes again and cling onto Vox.

I just hope this static shit stops soon.

It'll stop soon. Just not in a happy way :)


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