Old Friends

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As (Y/N) rowed the small boat through the vast expanse of the ocean blue, the rhythmic motion of the oars cutting through the water echoed the turmoil within his mind. In the quiet solitude of the open sea, his thoughts churned like the waves beneath him. Amidst the gentle rocking of the boat, (Y/N) found himself grappling with a moral dilemma. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was veering off course from the path of righteousness and tranquillity he had striven to follow. He was never the ideal image of the perfect doctor, he had fought and inflicted pain in the past, but he had always strived to be his best self, but was he now just throwing that all away? Yet, with each stroke of the oar, he attempted to rationalise his actions, convincing himself that his recent deeds were necessary for the greater good. The memory of the security guard's impalement weighed heavily on his conscience. He knew deep down that such an act was a deviation from his principles of non-violence and compassion. However, in that critical moment, faced with the imminent danger threatening his friends, he had acted impulsively, driven by a primal instinct to protect those he cared about. As the boat glided over the shimmering surface of the ocean, (Y/N) couldn't help but question the validity of his justifications. Yes, he had saved his friends from harm, and he had indeed tended to the wounds he inflicted with care and remorse afterwards. But did the ends truly justify the means? Was it acceptable to sacrifice one's own moral compass for the sake of others? With each passing moment, the weight of the questions bore down (Y/N) like an anchor dragging him deeper into Hades. The gentle lapping of the waves against the hull of the boat provided a soothing backdrop to his inner turmoil, yet it offered no solace to his troubled mind He hated the fact he was all alone, Chiron would help him with all his problems, provide insight and wisdom much better than any spawn of Athena ever could. But that's what he was trying to solve right now anyway, getting back the old centaur one pull of the oars at a time. Unfortunately for the son of Asclepius, he had no actual sense of direction and so was moving in a completely random direction, possibly further away from wherever the demi-gods had landed. Luckily, there were only a few places they could have landed in the Sea of Monsters, none good options but places (Y/N) knew well. Helios beat down on the boy as he toiled under its heat, the rhythmic pull and push providing little concentration for him. Why didn't he bring Elara? It seemed like such a foolish thought to abandon her at camp whilst he went questing. But whatever was safest for her... He was brutally knocked out of his thoughts by a crashing wave washing over him. Looking up, he saw the terrified face of Andromeda racing towards him. Desperate as to not be captured, he rummaged through the contents of his bag to find the water-breathing pills from earlier. Luckily, he managed to pop a couple and dive into the water just before the cruise ship loomed over his minuscule wooden boat. Under the boat he could just about see through the murky darkness scratch marks from earlier. Clinging to Luke's hull, he watched as the life-boat was plucked out of the water by a claw of the sorts before being crushed and tossed back into the sea as broken wooden planks. With no other options for now, he swam over to one side of the ship, dug his blades into the clean white metal of the ship and tied himself to it for what he presumed to be a long ride. 

Surprisingly it was only an hour later that land was ahead. An albatross flew overhead and dropped a fig tree branch on him, directing (Y/N)s view to a line of blue and brown in the distance. It wasn't long till he could make out an island with a small mountain in the centre, a dazzling white collection of buildings,a beach dotted with palm trees, and a harbour filled with a strange assortment of boats. Seemed to be a tropical paradise, but in reality was a wicked trap. The cruise seemed to make no move at stopping in, but if Percy and Annabeth were anywhere, they'd probably be here. Prying his dual blades from the side of the ship, he began the tiresome swim to the island. Blessed by the gods or not, he was still mortal and vulnerable to human limitation. When he eventually got to the docs, he noticed just how many vacant boats there were. Along with a bunch of pleasure yachts,there was a U.S. Navy submarine, several dugout canoes, and an old-fashioned three-masted sailing ship. There was a helipad with a helicopter on it, and a short runway with a jet and a propeller plane that looked like a World War II fighter. Emerging from the water it only took a matter of seconds before a woman with a clip-board appeared in front of him. She looked like a flight attendant-blue business suit, perfect makeup, hair pulled back in a ponytail. 

The Son Of Asclepius, Demi-god DoctorWhere stories live. Discover now