The Outing

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Nico's POV

Will was nothing if not in awe of the medical department at the New Rome's college. While Nico couldn't help but be jealous of his ignorance, Will's grin relieved him of any sort of doubt.

Nico would not die a hero, but he would die for Will, and that was good enough. He'd always felt vile, so returning to Tartarus indefinitely seemed fair repentance for the crime of existing only to bring about suffering.

"It's too bad we won't be in the same classes," Will said longingly, distracted every few seconds by the new buildings.

"I'm nearly illiterate, Will. I'd be lucky to even be allowed into elementary school," Nico snarked, sometimes checking behind him to see if a nine foot sun god would appear behind him.

"Don't be silly. I'll tutor you so we can graduate together," Will replied, laying a hand on Nico's shoulder as if to absorb his anxiety. The entire way, Will did not relent, informing Nico about how wonderful it would be for the two of them to come to New Rome for school.

"You have the tattoo, don't you?" Will asked, reaching for Nico's wrist, pulling up Nico's sleeve, his warm fingers tickling Nico's palm.

"I do. I stayed here after the war against the Titans when Percy lost his memory. You should have seen his face when I pretended not to recognize him," Nico muttered. Will attempted to raise his hands in apology to Percy, who was only a few steps behind, but the black-haired boy laughed it off.

"I still can't believe you'd do that to me," Percy interrupted in an accusatory tone. He and Annabeth were tagging along on their way to their dorm. When Will turned to converse with Reyna about college schedules, Annabeth tilted her head, motioning for Nico to join them. He allowed himself to be separated, sliding past Will who was enraptured by his conversation.

One peaceful morning is all I ask.

"I hate to break up this moment, but what happened with Hazel, Nico?" Percy asked when they were out of earshot.

"Don't get us wrong, we're both really glad to see you again after... well, you know, but if there's anything you guys know that you could help, we could potentially stop more bloodshed," Annabeth added as if negotiating. Her pale eyes were unnaturally contoured by the dark circles under her eyes, worry outlining her expression.

Did she stay up after dinner?

Nico rubbed his perspiring palms against his pants, the shadows curling around his ankles as if attempting to trip him. When they noticed, Percy and Annabeth's eyes widened, as if reminded of something when they caught sight of the finger-like darkness.

They saw beyond the mist. I haven't got long before they realize something is profoundly wrong with me if Annabeth hasn't realized already.

"Nico. No matter what the gods say, it shouldn't be your responsibility to take care of their problems, so if you're caught up in something, you'd tell us, right?" Percy implored. 

This time, I brought this upon myself and I cannot even rebuke that Tartarus is where I belong, so how can I deserve salvation, much less ask you to risk your life after what you've put yourself through on my behalf?

The shorter boy remained silent, trying to formulate yet another lie, but none would come to him.

"Percy, you promised me something once, but you realize what happened despite that?" Percy seemed taken aback, but Nico kept a straight face when mentioning Bianca.

"You promised you would protect her!"

"You understand, right? I am begging you to trust that this is the only option I have," Nico assured him.

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