The Trip

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Nico's POV

Nico sat himself by his small table, omitting the beetles from his mind the best he could.

He hated to put the Roman camp in danger, but it would be best to move to Camp Jupiter if he were to end up at the mercy of Nyx. If he couldn't go back to the underworld, at least he could go where there were older and more experienced fighters. If worse came to worst, he'd have half of the seven chosen demigods at his disposal to defeat Nyx. If they could beat Gaea, then they could probably kill him, even with his new abilities.

He knew, though, that Reyna had her suspicions, which would make her the best comrade. At least she would do what it took to protect the mass; he just hoped that she'd be able to look over their relationship to do it.

A laugh reluctantly escaped Nico's mouth. He felt hysterical contemplating which of his friends would be most willing to end his life.

Tomorrow was the solstice, and this was the best he could do for everyone.

He'd already packed his bag with the few basic necessities and multiple squares of Ambrosia. Nico spent nearly an hour writing and rewriting two letters–one for Reyna (an apology for forcing her into this position) and one to Hazel (another apology, but this time, for being an ass to her). His handwriting was beyond pitiful considering he hadn't been formally taught in the last seventy years. He struggled again and again to make it presentable, embarrassed of his flaws even when writing his death letter.

He'd thought of writing one to Will, but couldn't bear it, tears streaming down every time he tried. Instead, he chose to leave Will something of his that meant the world to him, knowing that Will would understand its meaning.

Nico took his stygian iron blade, wondering whether he should take it with him or not. He finally decided to bring it along in case they encountered monsters on their way. Once he had finished his messages, he removed Hades' mythomagic statue from his bag, hugging it into his chest tightly, eventually placing it in his pocket.

I love you Bianca. I'm sorry your sacrifice was in vain. I just hope your rebirth is kinder to you than I was.

Nico informed Chiron and Dionysus who had been discussing something with the centaur prior that he was shadow traveling to Camp Jupiter in order to meet up with his sister.

Dionysus gave the son of Hades a strange look, and Nico feared that he might object, but he remained silent, his doubts never voiced.

Nico then went to Reyna, his most difficult visit. On his way to her cabin, he saw Will who glanced his way from the Dining pavilion.

When he made it to their cabin, he knocked, a girl with vibrant green eyes opening the door.

"Reyna?" she asked, already knowing his answer.

"Yup," he replied anyway. She closed the door on him, and he heard muffled voices inside. Awkwardly, he stood at the door, waiting for Reyna to exit.

The door swung open, much more violently than it had the first time.

"You okay, Nico? You've never come to get me, I'm honored," she told him sarcastically. When she saw how serious Nico looked, she veered them out of the doorway, walking towards the back of a different cabin.

"I want to ask for a favor, but I completely understand if you say no. I understand that you have responsibilities," he explained, to which she sighed.

"Every time you ask for the most mundane things, Nico. Just tell me what you want," she said calmly.

"I want you to come with me to Camp Jupiter." Reyna looked startled by the request, but nonetheless listened. "I'm leaving today, and I would feel better if you were with me."

It was such a weak excuse, considering that he had never expressed the need for companionship.

"For how long?" she asked.

"Only a day and a half. I just really have to go there for the winter solstice."

"Any reason?" Reyna didn't seem wholly convinced with his previous excuse, prying a little further.

She doesn't know, does she?

She can't know.

Not now.

"The reason why it's kind of a big favor is because I can't really explain why I need to be there–I just do," Nico replied, slightly ashamed of having to continue keeping things from her even though she'd gone out of her way for him.

When Nico was reluctant to answer, her expression drooped, but she smiled nonetheless. "I'll get some clothes. It's time for a field trip."

"I'm coming, too. You promised me a trip there." Nico jumped at the third voice.

Why is he so insistent?

"When did you get here? How are you always listening in?" Nico groaned, unnerved.

Will cannot come. He's the person most susceptible to my power when Nyx uses me as a vessel.

Will shrugged, already walking to Reyna's side.

"You knew he was there, didn't you?" Nico interrogated.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Reyna replied innocently, feigning taking offense by his accusation.

It's not like he could tell Will that he wasn't allowed to go. Not only would that raise suspicion, but it was also untrue considering he couldn't order him around. Knowing Will, even if he didn't allow him to shadow travel there, he'd find someone like the Gray Sisters to take him.

"Get a bag ready. Leave at 2?" Both nodded in agreement. Part of Nico wished he hadn't asked Reyna, but he knew she was necessary for his plan to succeed.

Both returned to their respective cabins to get ready.

He proceeded towards the Apollo cabin far enough so that Will wouldn't notice him and waited patiently for the little girl, Sunny, who he'd seen leave for breakfast half an hour ago, to return. When he caught sight of her walking alone, he parted from the shadows, approaching her slowly as not to scare her.

She gasped, looking pale. "You scared me! If you're looking for Will, I can go inside and get him," she offered. Nico kneeled down and shook his head no. He pulled out the figurine from his pocket, unable to open his hand for some reason.

"I'm so sorry, but could you please leave this with Will's stuff while he's distracted?" Nico asked, ashamed that he could not do it himself. He finally unclamped his hands around his sister's gift, sniffling slightly, hoping that the girl would assume that he had caught a cold.

He pulled out a sash of drachmas, gesturing for her to take it.

"Don't be silly! You're my brother's favorite person, so it's no problem. I'll make sure my other brothers don't touch it. They were soooo jealous," Sunny promised, grinning widely, her freckles glowing under the light of day. She picked up the figurine from his hand, turning it so that she could see its entirety.

"You're a very kind girl, Sunny," he whispered. She turned red, slightly embarrassed, but also quite proud. Quickly, she fled into the cabin, leaving Nico standing there. Something about the girl reminded him of Rhea, who he'd thought of visiting, but could not gather the courage to face.

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