The Truth

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Will's POV


The now familiar creature approached Will, murk billowing from its shapeless body.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't want to leave! I'm sorry for leaving you down there!"

Its pitch black eyes seemed to analyze Will's face and, like every replay of the dream, Will reached forwards. This time he wrapped his arms around it, closing his eyes and repeating the same line: I'm sorry.


"Wake up, Will!" The events of the dream disappeared before the beast could sink its teeth into Will's throat.

Will shot awake, stars dancing in his vision, hitting something hard with his head.

"Ow! Oh my gods Will!" Austin held his nose and jumped around erratically.

"What's wrong? What did you see? What are you sorry for?" Kayla held Will's arm gently as tears streamed down his face. The rest of the Apollo cabin had left for breakfast, but Will had somehow slept in.

After a minute of sitting in silence, Austin sitting on the floor, Will spoke. "I was so useless to Nico."

"Of course you of all people would think that a breakup was your fault. Will, just because things didn't work out—" 

Kayla was interrupted by Will who couldn't keep lying to them. He needed to tell someone what had happened or it would continue to expand in his chest.

"We didn't break up. We went on a quest."

Austin looked confused, his facial expression practically screaming "Who let Will on a quest!"

 Honestly? Will was asking himself that question too.

"What happened, though? Why haven't we seen Nico around, then?" Austin asked, his voice filled with sympathy.

"We went to the Underworld." To this, both of them exchanged glances. Will omitted the part about Tartarus, Hades' voice still fresh in his mind.

"Are you serious?" Kayla knew the answer but couldn't come up with anything else.

"Nico and I went together but, because I couldn't do shit, he decided to stay down there."

Both looked dumbfounded. 

Austin was the first to speak. "Will, knowing you, you did everything you could for him. But this might explain what Kayla and I heard from the monsters that attacked us."

Will perked up. "What do you mean?"

"We got attacked by two overly aggressive harpies who were looking for someone. We overheard them before they knew we were there that 'the boy awoke.' They mentioned that they'd heard from some newly reborn monsters that they should find him. If he's in his father's domain, there's no way they'd find him anytime soon. Maybe that's why he stayed" Austin recounted.

Although Austin's assumption lacked the important bit of information about Tartarus, it meant something much more valuable. If Nyx still had Nico, she wouldn't have ordered the monsters to search for Nico.

He's escaped.

Will felt the knot in his chest release after a month of trying to keep everything together.

"I already tried going back to Hades' domain, but it's been sealed off pretty well. I feel like all I can do is wait for news here when he might need me," Will said after pondering for a minute, frustrated with his inability to help Nico.

"It might be all you can do, but I doubt Nico needs your help. There's nothing in his father's domain that can harm him. There's no need to be worried. If anything, the best we can do is see if anyone else has information," Kayla suggested.

As if on cue, an iris message appeared in front of Will, revealing a curly-haired girl alongside a tall (and quite buff) man.

Hazel and Frank.

"Will? You there?" Hazel positioned herself near the message. Her large eyes analyzed the three of them while Frank positioned himself directly on her side. 

Will quickly used the back of his sleeve to wipe his face and answered "Yes. Anything happen?"

"I'm actually wondering why something isn't happening. When I messaged you, the signal went through, but I can't seem to get a hold of my brother. I wanted to ask him if he was having trouble with a rather excessive amount of monsters recently. Also, something weird happened. Could you maybe get me in touch with him please?"

Alarm signals boomed in Will's head. 

Oh shit. 

He couldn't lie to Nico's sister! (not to mention he made the worst liar)

"Look... this is going to sound really horrible, so you might want to take a seat." Worry flashed over Hazel's eyes and she grabbed Frank's hand.

"Where is my brother, Will?" When he didn't respond, she began to tear up. Will had a feeling that she felt that something was off, like Nico had when Jason had died. "Will, tell me right now. Where is my brother?"

Austin butted in. "Thing is... we don't know exactly where he is." Neither Kayla nor he knew the gravity of the entire situation, so both seemed confused at the strong reaction.

Hazel looked stupefied so Frank asked, "What do you mean by that?" When Will shifted uncomfortably, Kayla took the signal and grabbed Austin, bringing him out of the cabin and closing the door behind her to give Will some space to speak in private.

Will finally regained his ability to speak and told them the truth. "Nico and I went on a quest together a month ago. I left, but when we encountered some trouble, Nico stayed behind to save Bob and I."

"Will." Something seemed to be dawning upon Hazel. She probably felt something considering her attachment to the underworld. "Where did you last see my brother?"

"Tartarus." Just saying the word made Will feel ill.

"I knew it!" She screamed, her body shaking. Frank didn't seem to know what to do, opting to hold her close. Will felt like screaming as well, but he tried to stay in one piece for the sake of Nico's sister.

After a minute or so, Hazel raised her head and got closer to the message, her eyes rigid and menacing. 

"I'm coming. There has to be something I can do."

Will sighed. "I've tried the Door of Orpheus. No luck, it's sealed from the inside. If anything..." He stopped, unsure of how she would take the next few words. "I think it would be better if you stayed at Camp Jupiter. There is as good as chance as any that he'll go there, that way we have people in both camps looking for him."

Hazel seemed like she wanted to say something, but she couldn't make a valid argument. Instead she pointed at Will, glaring through the message. "Will, I swear to god, if my brother doesn't come back I will gut you." Frank looked dumbfounded by her language and pulled her from the screen. He waved weakly to Will and whisked the iris message away.

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