The Comfort

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Nico's POV

Nico didn't like the way Reyna had brought up the morning events. She was suspicious, and for her own good, she could NOT find out.

When they left, Nico got up, heading to where the Ares cabin had begun their burials, smoke climbing into the sky.

When he saw the cloth-covered bodies, the same wave of excitement ran through his veins.

It really happened.

Nico wasn't surprised that he'd found Nyx to be an enticing goddess. She perfected the sweet softness his mother carried with her so well that, even now, he'd fall into her arms. His mother had always seemed so unassailable, like a pure diamond that could never be tainted. It hurt that one of the only memories he had over her was melancholy.


Nico wiped at his tear-filled eyes, wailing loudly.

"Mio Angelo, what happened?" his mother asked, scooping him up into her arms even though he'd outgrown them, his feet dangling.

"I don't think Bianca loves me anymore. She said I was a disgusting monster and that's why we have to stay apart from others." That sentence led into another fit of sobbing.

"How silly! She loves you just as much as I. She's just frustrated, give her time. Soon, everything will be better and I'll take you two all over the world," she cooed, bumping his nose with her own. His small hands reached out for the sides over her face, and he buried his face into her neck, smelling her Plumeria perfume. She didn't detach him even though his tears and snot was rubbing on her, laughing warmly.


The smell of ash awoke him from his trance. Many were sobbing, throwing flowers and such into the fires.

I did this.

Nico forced himself to watch every single face until the ceremony finished. It was his punishment.

Someone in particular caught his eye: a very young girl with dark skin and frizzy hair tied into a messy braid. Many of her siblings comforted her, but she continued to sob, screaming when they pulled her away from the burial. Right before they removed her, she locked eyes with Nico, who sat unmoving under gaze. 

"I'm sorry," Nico mouthed, to which she frowned, slightly baring her teeth as if she could see through him, menacing despite her small size.

When they had all left, retiring to their cabins, he held his head in his hands, horrified.

"Nico, let's go." A warm hand rested on his arm.

"You don't listen very well, do you?" Nico joked.

"Seems like I don't. Come on, let's go to bed," Will replied, a small smile on his lips despite the red rims around his eyes, a glow emanating from his figure. He held out a hand that Nico accepted.

You'll always run back to him.

The entire way, Will held his hand, looking ahead of him as if everything were perfectly normal. Throughout their walk, Will was murmuring the lyrics to "I Want You."

"We're starting over

And I love you darling." Will hummed the rest of the lyrics, though he knew them by heart.

When they arrived at the Apollo cabin, right before they entered, Nico whispered, "I want you, Solace."

"You say something?" Will asked, eyes meeting with Nico's. Nico shook his head, and they both walked in.

Will fell asleep as naturally as the sun fell from view.  Some things always stayed the same.

Nico, however, woke up every couple minutes, Nyx and the cacodemons more and more incessant on what he must do.

They could have just sent the God-Killing Handbook.

Nico sat on his bed after waking up three times, looking at Will who rested soundlessly. It came as a surprise when Will shook and murmured in his sleep.

"I'm sorry," Will pleaded quietly, beads of sweat forming on his temple.

Nico stepped off his bed, coming closer to Will to wake him up. Before he could, though, Will's eyes flashed open, and he recoiled from Nico.

"I'm sorry!"

"Will, it's just me," Nico reassured. Will's eyes remained on Nico's; he looked as if he'd seen a ghost.

"Oh... did I wake you?" Will asked, still staring intently into Nico's eyes as if he were looking for something in them.

"Nope. Can't sleep. Too cold."

Such a stupid excuse. It's barely chilly.

"The beds are pretty big... I've got my power if you want?" Will seemed embarrassed. If it had been light, he would probably be flushed.

If Nico was going to die, he wanted this. Was it so much to ask for?

Selfish as always.

Nico pinched his beads as if it would shut them up, and stepped towards Will, who was stupefied, but nonetheless scooched to the opposite end of his bed.

Nico didn't hesitate, lifting the cover and laying down. Despite his surprise, Will fell asleep in less than an hour, his breaths long and soft, no longer bothered. As promised, he maintained a dull, warm glow. Nico was surprised when an arm was draped over his chest, pulling him closer, turning his head to see Will who's eyes were still closed, his methodic breath blowing on Nico's back.

Nico didn't want to fall asleep. This was the last indulgence he'd ever live to have, and he wanted to enjoy every second; Will's eyelashes, muffled hair, and relaxed visage.

While Nico was sure of what he had to do, it was only now that it brought him such sorrow. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he thought of what it would've been like if he'd been born the son of any other god.

He fell asleep to delusions of belonging in Will's arms.

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