Chapter twenty nine

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1 year later...

I watch as Enzo checks his watch for the 5th time in 2 minutes. Talk about a drama queen- I was trying to get my hair to look perfect. As soon as I stepped out and he turned taking me in, his expression changed to a look of pure love. His gaze softened and he gave me a small smile.

I was practically on top of the world as I gave him a little spin showing off my new dress with built in shorts and pockets. He laughed as I showed him all the features. It sounded like pure heaven.

After the accident, Dante got me some hearing aids, and while I have them in pretty much all the time, Enzo still insisted on learning sign language. He said it was for the days I felt like turning the world off. And I do sometimes. When Im curled up on the window sill reading a new book Carmen has sent me, I'll just enjoy the silence.

It's been a year since the whole thing went down and when I caught Enzo trying to sign a proposal I told him to wait a year. He had a whole fit but I convinced him I wanted to enjoy this year of my life. The one that is going to be different from all the rest.

Ive gone on many vacations. Davina and Carmen took me on a cruise which ended up with a new tan and a love of Pina coladas. We had a family poker night- Liams idea which non of us enjoyed since Liam is a little cheater. And I found myself, truly found myself. I told him to wait one year, and he has. 

Although his patience is wearing thin. As he taps his foot waiting for me to tie my shoe laces. He hasn't told me exactly where we are going, but I have never been one to wear heels. 

"Alright alright, lets go we have places to be!"

I say as I get a head start towards the door, waving Liam goodbye as he naps with buddy on the couch. Enzo rolls his eyes as he follows me out taking my extended hand in his own.

"Don't drink all my liquor. and take the trash out."

Enzo yells to Liam before we leave, it was official as of a few months ago- cause it took time- but we adopted Liam. On his papers and everything it show me and Enzo as parents. Me taking his last name. Another thing Enzo did was tell the family his name.

It took a while, but he eventually opened up to it and I couldnt be happier for him. 

He opened the door for me as I hoped in, ancy with anticipation as he started the engine and drove off. It was a short drive before I saw the flowers.

Hundreds, Thousands, Millions of flowers. I mean there was color going on for miles after miles. It was unreal.

"Enzo this place is-"



I whipped my head around to him as he parked his car in the grass. I didnt wait for him to open my door as I met him in front of the car.

"What in the hell do you mean its mine?!"

"This field is yours, you own it."

"Enzo that's too much- I-"

"Happy birthday baby."

He said and I jumped into his arms giving him kisses all over his face.

"This is the perfect gift."

I loved gestures, not items. And he knew that about me.

"I love you Enzo."

"Mmhm yep, just come over here real quick."

"Huh- Okay."

I follow him as he had the most concentrated look on his face. He was looking off to where the sun was about to set. Tapping his foot again.

"Enzo what's going on?"

"I- Fuck it I can't wait any longer. I was going to have you stand there and when the sunset finally hit that hill I was going to propose- yet you had me wait a year before I could and I no longer have any patience."

I held in my laugh as he bent down on one knee.

"Mia Costa- you already have my last name, and we are basically married, we also have a kid- so Jesus Christ dont make me wait anymore and marry me.. please?"

That was the most romantic thing I have ever heard him say. I burst out laughing as I lunged to hug him.


He swooped me up and spun me around, bringing me down to give me an earth shattering kiss, while slipping a small minimalist ring on my finger.

The first ring he got me took up half my hand and I forced him to exchange it for something more convenient. 

"I can get you more diamonds."

"No its perfect I love it."

He shrugged off his coat laying it on the field like a blanket before looking down at me. 

"So.. what do you wanna do in your flower field?"

"No one is out here..."

"Nope, just us."

"Then lets get down and dirty."

"I like the way you think.."

"Mmhmmm- OH!"

An: DONT WORRY YOUR NOT BEING ROBBED!! Next chapter lovelies ;)

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