Chapter twenty six

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Liam POV:

"What should we do Liam?"

They were asking me. Apparently to reasons unknown to me Diavolo named me his right hand man. Supposedly half way through him conducting interviews, he wrote up the form. And I find out after he has been kidnapped tortured and is currently on his death bed. Fuck it.

"Half of you- Get him medical attention before he bleeds the fuck out. The rest of you meet me in the conference room. We have one of our own to get back."

The men followed out splitting up according to their ranks. Diavolo would be fine once he woke up, and him and I are on the same page. We need to save Mia.

I fucked up thinking she wasn't going to go looking for him. I wasn't ready to be thrust into control and I screwed up. It was my fault she is gone. And it's my job to get her back. 

"They're going to be in America. One of the says saw them boarding a plane. Someone was carrying Mia unconscious."

"Then get me a fucking plane, and get me to America."

"Without the boss? He will need more time-"

"I am the fucking boss right now. Does Mia have time? Get me the fucking plane."

The man bowed his head and left quickly. I sat down in Diavolo's chair. Was that the right call? Yes it had to be. Diavolo would want Mia back if it meant killing himself to do it. But more importantly I needed her back too.

I was 15, and I matured a long long time ago. But in some ways Mia fixed the fact that I never had a mothering presence. More of a big sister but the same feeling. I was going to get her back. With or without Diavolo. I owed it to both of them. 

"Im going to get her back buddy, dont worry boy."

I said letting the fluffy golden retriever lay his head on my thigh. I give him a measuring pat on the head, knowing he is being here for me way more than I am for him.

Enzo POV:

I blinked a few times adjusting to the light. For a quick second I had no fucking idea where I was. I jolted up thinking I was still restrained or in chains. I let out a groan as the bandages crinkled and I felt all the shit attached to my body. 


It all came back to me. Mia. Her father. Her being taken away from me. Her saving me. Before being stripped away.

Xavier Branch Is going to suffer. He is going to burn. Death would be to kind. I have a special kind of hell prepared for him. The pure, red, blinding rage was enough to distract me from the pain long enough to rip the needles and cords that were previously attached to me.

I stood up and was making my clear shot to the doorway when a girl stepped into the walkway. At first glance the brown hair and shorter stance had me hesitating thinking it was Mia. But It was a quick dismissal when I saw the blue eyes. 


"Not so fast."

"Get out of my way- Mia needs me- I dont have time for this bullshit."

The crazy spitfire stood in the hallway crossing her arms. 

"Watch the attitude princess, I just saved your ass from dying."

My mind took me back from when the roles had been scarily similar in reverse. She used my own line against me. 

"How long have you been waiting to say that?"

"Since you said it to me. Now how about we go and get her back."

I give her a greatful nod before we walk out, Nick was here talking to some of my men. He quickly scanned over his wife as If I would harm her. 

"You think I would have harmed her?"

I said pissed the fuck off.

"Dont flatter yourself cousin, I was checking Carmens fists. Seeing If she punched you for the bullshit you probably yelled at her for."

Carmens snicker sounded and I whipped my head around sending her a glare. Before I could say anything more Liam walked in and saw me immeditly stopping in his tracks.

"You're okay. We were just about to leave for America."

"Good. Lets go."

Liam was my second. If I had meant him before Matteo I would have made him that sooner. I relate to him on a bigger level, and it helps that he is a genius. Litterly. Kid has a photographic memory and can recall anything he sees. Which landed him in the poker buissness where he started to count cards. Ended up in some deep shit. Hence were I found him. 

It's been 3 hours 45 minutes and- I check my watch- 30 seconds, since my wife was taken from me. She would have been my wife. My fiancé at least. 

I dig the ring out of my pocket and turn it over and over in my hand. I planned to take her out on her birthday, make her forget all the rest, and I was going to propose. Because I thought love was fake, I thought I was unlovable. 

But I just hadn't met her yet.

"Well get her back."

Nicholas sat down beside me, eyeing the ring.

"Big rock, sure she won't fall over from wearing it, she's a small girl."

"Only the best for my fucking girl, the one on your wife's hand seems to be lacking."

He snorts and rolls his eyes. I sense there is a story there, but it's not one I care to know. Especially not now. All I need now is her.

We had made the plans, and we were about to land in America. We found out there was a trade. A show auction. For women. And I knew who would be the star of the show. My Fucking Girl. 

I contemplated all the ways I would torture him.

It would take months to be through with him.

Possibly years.

"How long did you torture Carmens Assaulter?"

Nick looks over to me sensing what I have been thinking about. He takes a deep breath.

"I continued his torture for 1 year and 5 months. He eventually died from something. Couldnt tell, he was unrecognizable after the second day."

"How long do you plan on torturing Xavier Bianchi?"

He followed up and I took a honest second to think.

"He has been harming women for well over 20 years. I think we will start with that."

"You allways were more brutal cousin."

I didnt answer him. Even talking with him hasn't calmed me down. My mind still racing over Mia. 

Why did she do that? Why did she sacrifice her self. Fuck she was so brave. She is so fucking strong, all that she has grown. I am so fucking proud of her.

Hang in there baby. 

Just a little longer Mia.

I love you.

AN: Okay so this was a smaller chapter, but Im mainly setting up for the next one. I also wanted to give yall a little sneak peak to Liam! he is like my ultimate favorite character. 

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