Chapter twenty four

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I tried to open my eyes but my the left side of my head was pounding, it must have been from when I got knocked out. Fuck how long had it been? 

"Good morning Diavolo."

Fuck that's how long it was. Long enough that I missed my girls birthday. I pried my eyes open and sensed my surroundings. I was tied to the wall, my arms suspended over my body. My mouth was still gagged and I could barley move my lower half. Taking that my shirt was off and Xavier Bianchi was sitting in a chair across from me holding a knife; I knew what was about to go down.

"I see someone already carved up your back. Decided I would make your front match."

I didnt give him the time of day, I needed to get to Mia. This fucker could cut me in half and It wouldn't stop me from trying to get to her, so that I can apologize.

"You know my ring took years to plan and build. You and your friends have destroyed it. I know have less customers then before I started. Do you know how angry that makes me?"

I don't know why he was still talking to me, he gagged me its not like I could respond if I wanted to. Which I did, I had quite a few things to say.

"Your mother was apart of the trades no?"

That had me raging against my restraints, enough that the chains rattled against the wall, cutting into my skin. 

Xavier laughed as he came closer with the knife, starting to carve small cuts into my chest. I bit down on the gag refusing to let the pain register. I had been trained for this I would not break for him.

"Did you like ruining my daughter? Did you have your way with her is that why you're so fond of her?"

He could see the rage in my eyes as he mentioned my Mia. And before I could lunge on my restraints again he shoved the knife into my stomach twisting it which elected a small groan from me. Fucking bastard. If I ever got out of these restraints I would brutally murder him. 

"I wish I could kill you. But you need to be alive for this next part."

He said shinning a sinister smile and My heart fucking dropped. 


"Yes that's right. Before you die you will see her be sold off, back to me where she belongs. It occurred to me, why would I sell her off when I can just rent her out, ha to think I never thought of it before."

I tried to mumble my response enough that I managed to get the gag out of my mouth falling at my chin.

"You will never get to her you fucking-"

"Please Diavolo you think she won't come running when she's sees you are in trouble. My daughter lacks many things, but she was always loyal. Too bad she is not smart or tough enough to handle herself."

"She is stronger then you will ever be-"

His punch knocked my head to the side, he left his knife inside of me as he walked out of the room. leaving me bleeding out. 

Please for the love of god Mia do not come her. I tried to mentally talk to her. Warn her. Fuck this is all my fault. 

Mia pov:

I shot awake from the uncomfy guest bedroom, immediately searching for a man I knew was not here. 

He must be in the kitchen or his study, possibly his bedroom. god how late did he get back last night? I walked out trying to fix my hair the best I could. I was ready to yell at him. And I was not scared. In fact I wanted to scream at him. 

It felt worse than any of the other times my father did this. Because he was supposed to be better. He saved me he was not supposed to hurt me.

"Mia there you are, Did Diavolo make it up to you?"

"What? No Im ready to yell at him where the hell is he?"

"Hes not in the room with you?"


"Fuck Mia I don't think he came home last night.."

Liam said and began calling on his phone while opening up his laptop. I immediately dropped the rage and got worried. What if something happened? Oh god I couldnt even think about if something bad had happened.

Not even ten minutes later, half of Enzos men were in  the room by Liam and he had pulled up the security tape from wherever he was last night. On the tape it was clear to see two men come behind him while he was talking to another guy..

"Who is that?"

I asked and one of the men started to zoom in the camera feed, right after you see Enzo get knocked out the camera catches a clear shot of the attackers face 

"Xavier Bianchi M'am."

My father.

My father took my Enzo. On my birthday. He took him away from me, on my birthday. I knew why he took him. It was not only because Enzo destroyed his sick plans, he took him to hurt me, to get to me. 

I sank to the floor on my knees and let out a sob. He took him yesterday, was he still alive? If so how much pain was he in? Was he okay? was he scared? I knew he wasn't but I was scared for him. For how much pain he had incurred allready. How could he take anymore.

It was Liam who wrapped his arms around me holding me tight, Rocking my body as I sobbed. I heard him command the men to go to the confrence room. That he would be with him shortly and I suddenly knew that it didnt matter what man Enzo interviewed. Liam Pavlica was always going to be the right hand man. Even if he was just a boy.

"Its okay Mia, Its okay shhhh, we are going to find him, I will find him."

He dropped me off in Enzos bed. and I sunk to the sheets that still smelled like him, still smelled like us. I curled up into a ball and cried some more. Liam said he was taking care of everything as he left. 

But it was my fault. My father did another bad thing. My father took him away from me. Any tears that were about to fall burnt up. My father did this. And my father would pay.

A phone ringing shot me out of my rage. Liam must of left his in here for me. I didnt recognize the number yet I answered.


"Mia darling, how are you?"


I needed to get Liam, to get everybody in here to trace the call. But my father would just end up hurting them too. No one else would be hurt because of my father, because of me.

"Ill do anything... Just please don't hurt him."

My father told me an address, along with telling me to come alone. 

"If I come, will you let him go?"

"Mia if you let me have you again, He will be out of our lives forever, safe and sound."

"I don't trust you."

"Your his last hope, this or he dies."

"Ill do it."

And I did.

As I slipped out of the window leaving Liam a note. Kissing Buddy goodbye, I slipped out, the guards all inside. No one seeing me leave. 

I was going to save my Enzo. 

Even if It meant I had to die.

AN: Omg Mia is so strong also I feel so bad for Enzo, but don't worry I can't wait to write what happens next there is a few little plot twists as well!!

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