Chapter twenty seven

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I woke up and immediately turned all around. Trying to figure out where I was and If I could get away. But to my surprise I wasn't in chains, or tied up. I was just in a bed- in a familiar room.

Frick. I was In America, in my old bedroom. It gave me a weird sense of deja voo. The side of my face stung, and I knew without checking a mirror that there was a huge bruise there.

I hoped Enzo was okay. I hoped he was alive and wasn't hurt. And most importantly I hoped he was on his way. I knew he would come for me, and I knew the very soon my father would be dead. He would kill him. And he would get me back. I felt it.

Enzo would come for me. I just have to wait. And play it smart. I can do that. Be daddy's good little girl just a bit longer.

So I played the facade, heading downstairs. There was less maids and cooks. The house seemed to be strongly empty. It set a chill feeling in my bones. 

When I reached the dining room table I saw my father sitting down reading the newspaper, drinking a dark liquor. It couldnt be past 9 in the morning, so he has to be stressed.

"Good morning father."

He snapped his head up from the paper, and motioned for me to sit down with him. I did as he asked. 

"Mia, darling."

"Yes father?"

"Tonight the men will be here, to spend some time with you. You need to behave yourself, do you understand."

My gut clenched and I swallowed down my bile as I nodded my head. One lone maid brought out a small plate of breakfast- bread and fruit I left it untouched, but I didnt fail to notice there was no silverware. No knives or forks. Just a plate.

My father went back to his office as if it was any normal day, and I walked around the house trying to find anything that could help me. Peeking out of the windows I saw the guards. They stood out and around the house and I knew there was no sneaking out.

I would have to play it smart from the inside, at least until Enzo could get here. 

The house had nothing that could help me. It was about as empty as it had always been, most anything was in my fathers office. A place I could never get too, not even before.

Even knowing that I went around to every room, opened every cabinet, trying to find something. A sharp piece of wood, a gun, anything to help me. It was like no one even lived here, all the kitchen drawers were empty- I dont even know where the food from this morning came from.

I had officially given up my search. I had broken out in a sweat and my arms ached from moving everything. I was starting to get more anxious, more scared. The only thing that could calm me down was thinking about me and Enzo, the good memories. And the bad ones.

I thought about how he had kidnapped me to try and stop my fathers sinister trade. He never hurt me- scared me- but never hurt me. I thought about how he had slowly let his guard down, made exceptions for me. Saved me from my father. And then how he fell for me, and I for him.

The tears were falling before I could stop them. I was starting to loose hope, and I wasn't sure if I would ever see him again. If I couldn't even tell him I love him one last time.

My door abruptly opened and I flinched up to see my father standing in the doorway. He had handcuffs in his hand and a gun in the other one.

"Stand up."

He commanded and I did as he was told, he pointed the gun towards me and motioned for my hands, I let him handcuff me and drag me downstairs to sit at the same seat I did this morning.

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