"I want to be normal for him"

Start from the beginning

So it was either him going willingly or....

"Oh my god! I'm not having an episode! I've taken my meds!" He didn't. He didn't want to waste money on meds when he didn't absolutely need them. He was experiencing severe mood swings though, that was undeniable.

He wasn't fooling Aron though; it was obvious in Harry's eyes that he was struggling to admit the truth. He wasn't very good at hiding his emotions.

It was silent for a couple of minutes, none of them knew what exactly to say. Aron couldn't find the right words to say and Harry was trying so hard not to act on his thoughts.

Picking up the eviction notice, Aron let out a sigh, he didn't want to alarm Harry, but the situation was far worse than he had imagined. "This is the third notice Harry, you have week." Aron took a careful step towards Harry and stood in front of him.

"I- I thought I had a month-" Harry sat in the middle of the living room. Taking a fistful of his hair in his hand.

Gently, Aron moved Harry's hand from his hair. "Take a deep breath with me." He made sure Harry was concentrating on him. His manic state was somehow broken and replaced by confusion and anxiety.

Without breaking eye contact, Aron sat down in front of Harry with his legs crossed. "Tell me the truth about the situation Harry. Please."

The concern in Aron's voice made Harry want to trust him, "I- I-"

"I will never judge you Harry. You've helped me when I was struggling in my life, let me help you now."

Aron remembered all the times when that the only thing that kept him going was Harry's class. When he could run away from his family and just be himself without feeling like an outsider.

Harry was confused, he frowned, waiting for Aron to elaborate.

For a second, Aron closed his eyes, not wanting to go back to all the memories he welled up in his mind. "Your classroom was my heaven, my scape." He pulled his knees to his chest, trying to avoid the pain he knew was coming. "I can't tell anyone what I've went through. No one gets it." Harry's gaze softened, he didn't say anything though, if Aron didn't want to tell his story, Harry was not gonna force him to do so.

Though, Harry's patience gave Aron the courage he needed to keep going, "My life was perfect up until I was forced to come out to my parents." Aron could see the utter horror in Harry's eyes. "Yeah, it wasn't pretty. I was 14? Maybe 13, I'm not sure, but my bully, Jackson, found out and he made sure my parents knew."

"If it wasn't for my mom, I don't know what my dad would've done. He completely cut me off from his world."

"I'm sorry, Aron." Jackson was in his class and he was such a troublemaker, Harry hated himself for not noticing what Aron was going through.

Somehow, it seemed like Aron could read his mind, "I was really good at hiding my problems, you couldn't have possibly known anything. But your class made my day. You helped me to feel like I belonged. You helped me accept myself. I just watched you being who you want to be and I survived my father."

The tension in the room was burning up the both of them, "Honestly, I'm happy I stick around my father, being his only heir had its own perks." He chuckled wryly.

Does this mean he can share his story with Aron too? Harry's hands were visibly shaking even though he was trying so hard to hide how he was feeling.

Now it was Aron's turn to give Harry time to share what he needed to say. After god knows how long, Harry decided to speak up, "I- I'm not okay Aron."

It took everything in Aron to restraint himself from taking Harry's hands in his.

"I don't want to be like this anymore, I'm tired of being a mess. I'm pretty sure Zayn is sick of seeing me like this." a single tear fell from Harry's eyes, breaking Aron's heart. The man who was the definition of being strong was falling apart right in front of him.

"I've stopped taking my meds, I want to be normal for him. I want to be a normal boyfriend for him this Christmas. I want to go out with him and do everything that makes him smile. And I can't do that if I'm high on some lithium." He was full-on crying at his point. His green eyes glassy, they looked even brighter than they used to be.

Aron was the first to break the silence, "Have you talked to your therapist about this?"

"Haven't seen her in a while honestly." There was nothing to hide anymore, he was exhausted of keeping this a secret anyway. "Didn't like her that much in the first place."

"Let's find someone else then." Aron said carefully, not wanting to trigger Harry in anyway.

Harry stared at him, "Aron... I- I- can't-"

"Afford it?" Aron completed his sentence for him.

Harry looked anywhere to avoid eye contact with Aron. His silence told Aron everything he needed to know.

"Don't worry about the money, we will find you someone-"

"How can I not worry? Have you met me?"

"I'll help you." Aron finally cleared his intentions.

For a couple of seconds Harry just stared at him, "I can't accept that Aron. you are my student-"

"Nope, not anymore. I'm your colleague now. I'd like to think I'm your friend actually."

Before Harry can come up with anything, he continued, "And friends help each other. It's not charity Harry, you will pay me back eventually."

"You don't know what you are talking about Aron. Therapy is expensive."

"Oh no I know. I've researched thoroughly." He smiled, proud of himself. "Though like I said there was some perks of being the only son of my father. That bastard was wealthy."

"Oh." That's all Harry said and Aron took it as a sign of victory. He pulled his phone out to suggest some therapists he found on the internet who were specialized in bipolar condition.

After they secured an appointment with the therapist of Harry's choice, they worked in silence while Aron helped Harry clean up his living room. "I should find a smaller place. The rent is crazy here." Harry thought out loud. "How am I supposed to do that in a week. Ugh." He threw himself on the couch taking a breath. Calming his restless thoughts.

"If you don't freak out, you can stay with me till you find some place affordable." Honestly Harry's place was a mess. And they needed to paint the walls before the landlord find out about Harry's little painting experiment.

Harry was quiet, deep in thoughts, measuring everything going on with his life. Thinking that Zayn probably won't appreciate him staying at Aron's place.

But what he doesn't know won't hurt him, right?

Aron just walked around the kitchen and tried to tidy up the place as much as he could. He didn't press on the matter more. Cause he knew he tend to get too much for people to handle.

"I'll help with the rent and groceries." Harry offered.

"I own the place." Aron smiled. "You can take care of groceries though. I hate doing those." He growled.

Harry nodded. Forcing a smile, he was nervous, it was getting so hard to hide it at this point.

"Pack your bags?" Aron offered a hand for Harry to take.

It didn't take too long for them to pack everything Harry needed in one suitcase. They had dinner at Aron's place and even though Harry tried so hard to stay awake, he fell asleep right on Aron's couch while watching TV feeing safe. He had less things to worry about. At least not for that night.


hi guys!

i guess there is no point in saying that im sorry for this late update. but i really tried.

hope you enjoyed it!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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