Chapter 101- Actual Happiness

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"Shit," I whisper, running up to Daryl and helping him kill a few more walkers with my knife.

They just keep coming, it's like they're never-ending. It's not good for the work we're doing right now.

Suddenly, the sound of an agonizing groan comes from the log mound. 

Daryl and I both turn and there Aaron is, lying on the ground with a log on his arm. 

"Get them mules out of here," Daryl orders a few other workers. He waves to me to run with him and he points to a few other Saviors, "You- get over here right now!" 

Damien and Cato, without being asked, they run over to the log and both begin trying to lift it. 

"Go! Get out of here!" Aaron groans. 

"Aaron, shut the fuck up and let us help you!" I yell, groaning as my arms strain from the weight of the log. 

"Keep an eye on him!" Daryl says as he turns around and kills a few approaching Walkers. 

"Stick that under the log!" Cato orders a Savior at the base of the log. 

The Savior complies and once the stick is under the log, he pushes it down, leaving enough room for Aaron to pry his arm out from under the tree. 

"Aw, shit!" Aaron yells, noticing his bloody, crushed, and unmoving arm. 

Daryl helps him up and they begin running, Damien, Cato, and I behind them for back up. 

"Fuck, they won't stop!" I yell as Walkers slowly surround me. 

Just then, an arrow shoots at a Walker dangerously close to me and when I look, a woman from Oceanside is holding a crossbow. To her left, our group comes running to help, armed with knives and guns. 

I gunt as I crack my whip, cutting a Walker's face off. 

"Adrian, a little help!" Damien yells as Cato gets cornered by Walkers. 

Without wasting another second, I leave my Walkers and run over to Damien, helping him take down the surplus of Walkers around Cato. 

"Fuck!" Cato grunts as he gets pushed to the ground by Walkers. 

"No, no, no, Cato!" I scream in desperation. With shaking hands, I grab Walkers by their shoulders and pry them off of the dog pile that's now forming on top of Cato. 

"Shit, shit, shit, shit!" Damien panics, doing the same and killing the Walkers I didn't manage to for me. 

Panic rises quickly throughout my body, causing all smart ideas I have to spill out of my ear and instead be replaced with the image of a funeral for Cato. 

"Damien! Leave those Walkers, Rick's-" Just as I say that, the stack of logs comes tumbling down, smashing any Walker in its path- including the Walkers I pried off of Cato's dogpile. 

As we continue, when we get deeper into the dogpile, Damien and I notice dead Walkers all around Cato, protecting him from any other Walker's snapping jaw. 

Damien lets out a sharp sigh of relief as he and I pull those Walkers off too. 

Cato sighs when he's finally free, "Jesus, they smelled like death." 

I exhale to release the tension in my body and chuckle, "Jesus, I can't leave you unsupervised for three seconds." 

Damien smiles and cups Cato's cheeks, leaning down and kissing him passionately. "Fucking dumbass!" He yells, breaking the kiss. 

I purse my lips to hide my smile, imagining the excitement Alyssa and Inejra are gonna have when they find out about this. 

Cato smiles, "Alright then, mate. Don't save me next time." 

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