Chapter 9

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Lapis' POV:

As soon as we walked in the entrance doors of the bar, the smell of alcohol hit my nose. I scrunched up my nose and my eyes squinted. It looked like Peridot was unaffected by this, as she casually walked towards her band members sitting at the other side of the building. "Hey," Peridot said as she stopped in front of them, giving a small wave and an innocent smile. "P-dot! You made it!" Amethyst blurted out with a happy expression. "About time," Jasper said in annoyance as she crossed her arms, but changed her posture when I arrived, standing next to Peridot, holding my hands in front of me with a nervous smile. "And who is this pretty lady?" Jasper would say, her head leaning on her fist as she scanned me up and down, biting her lip to tease me. I felt incredibly uncomfortable but tried to ignore it. "This is Lapis Lazuli, I was hoping she could accompany us tonight," Peridot said as she took two extra chairs from an extra table.

As Peridot helped me to get seated, I gave an appreciative nod as I took my seat. Now was the best time to fully take a look at the band members. Amethyst was a fairly short girl with long, messy periwinkle-purple colored hair. Jasper was a large woman with long, creamed hair and slight miscolored skin patches spreading across her body and face. Garnet was the one with sunglasses on, always. She had a square-like afro followed by a tacky jumpsuit. Pearl was a pale, slim girl with spiky, peach-colored hair; she also had a peculiar sharp nose that made her look very sophisticated compared to others.

"So, how do you know each other?" Amethyst asked with a smirk, mixing her beer with a straw, making the ice clink against the glass. "Oh! Is she your girlfriend?" Amethyst asked in excitement, not even thinking twice about the words she had spoken. Both Peridot and I were stunned by the question. Our faces were covered in blush. I was about to correct her before Peridot jumped in before me. "No! Why would you think that?!" She said with an annoyed yet embarrassed tone, gesturing a lot with her hands.

Hearing those words come out of Peridot's mouth was a hit to the heart. Everything she said was correct; we were not dating and we never will. But it still hurt to hear that the one person you had a crush on wanted nothing to do with you in a relationship. I sunk back into my chair, slightly lowering my chin downward. "It was just a question, Peridot, chill dude," Amethyst would say with a smirk while she took a sip of her drink. The table was silent for a second. I scanned the table around me: Amethyst wiping the droplets off her mouth, Garnet sitting neatly in silence, Pearl glaring at everything but Peridot for some odd reason, and Jasper eyeing me with a grin. I tried to avoid eye contact, but her stare always caught mine.

"Say what, how about we start the night with a cheers and a shot, eh?" Amethyst would say as she got up from her seat to get the shots. No one could protest, but no one even cared too. As Amethyst bouncily walked back to the table, she placed 6 shots on the table. "A toast to our first performance with Peridot!" Amethyst cheered as she took a shot. "Cheers," everyone shouted, including Peridot, before she gulped back the shot. Pearl and I, on the other hand, were a bit more hesitant. But I took mine when everyone's were finished. Pearl glared at Peridot while she took the shot, an unpleased snarl appearing on her face as she then took the shot. I don't know what that's about.

The rest of the night went quite crazy; the bar was starting to fill up with people every second. But one could definitely tell that Amethyst was the party animal here. Once she stood up on the table and started singing "Old Town Road" in the drunkest voice you could imagine. Even I started guzzling down drinks after drinks and shots after shots. In fact, I think everyone was having the time of their life. Except Peridot, she had at least 2 shots, which was apparently enough for her. Every now and then she would have to stop someone from taking another shot; if it wasn't for Peridot, most of us would be running around naked in the streets.

As I took one of my last shots, I felt my head getting dizzy, my eyes darting everywhere. Almost every little action was funny to me. But out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jasper making inappropriate finger signs, signaling me to come over to her. Now, normally, this would be a red flag. Even more than a red flag. But because I was nothing close to being sober, my mind accepted the invitation and walked over her way. I leaned on one of the tables, giggling and letting small hiccups exit my mouth. Jasper smirked, took my hand, and dragged me to the bathroom. I didn't know this was going to escalate this far.

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