Chapter 33

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Peridot's POV:

I opened the basement door slowly and silently, to ensure I don't alarm anyone drastically. Today was rehearsal day before another upcoming show tomorrow. The performances have been bombarding the whole band for the last week. It's getting really intense. I closed the door behind me, letting out a long and painful squeak. "Peridot? Is that you?" I heard a voice ask from down below the staircase. Pearl was peeking her head from behind the railing of the stairs. At that point, I just gave a low sigh and decided to go down the stairs normally. "Peridork! Welcome, welcome!" Amethyst said as she rushed over to mess with my hair with her knuckles and her arm around my neck, almost like a chokehold. "Amethyst! Get off!" I said, gritting my teeth in frustration.

"Woah! Someone's feisty today?" Amethyst said plainly as she backed a few steps away. I rolled my eyes in response. I might have come off a little bit rude. I just have to calm my nerves from all these performances coming up. I sighed quickly. "You're right, my apologies," I said softly as I fiddled with my thumbs.

All eyes were now on me, but Amethyst took a bit of the weight off my shoulders and decided to move on with our rehearsal. "Alright, alright, let's get to it, gang. Let's start with Diamond Eyes by Deftones," Amethyst said as she took her place behind her drums. I took mine in front of the microphone as the melody started playing.

"Time will see us realign."

"Diamonds reign across the sky."

"I will lead us to the same."


We continued the song for a few minutes, making errors and trailing on where we all thought there could be improvements and where it could stay exactly the same. Time flew when we usually do practice sessions. Sure, it's hard doing it constantly and a lot of pressure is being put on you, but if you really love what you're doing, it's easy, even if you have to keep on doing it for hours on end.

"Whoo! Go team!" Amethyst yelled into the air with her drumsticks above her head once the song had officially stopped. I heard Jasper crack her neck and knuckles once she laid her guitar on her stand. I decided to do the same and stretched for a bit, my back crackling as I stretched my limbs above me. That happens when you stay in the same posture for a long time. "I say we end it here for tonight," Garnet said calmly as she placed her bass gently on her own stand. "Agreed," Pearl said with a soft yawn as she walked over to the staircase that led upstairs. I wanted to follow the whole band from behind, but someone decided to grab the back of my shirt collar. "Eep!" I yelped as I felt a tug drag me back.

A muscular woman behind me, not even meeting my gaze, only eyeing the band as they made their way upstairs. "Jasper? What gives?" I said, my blood boiling. With me and Jasper's history, anything that would make her drag me to her side is bad news. Jasper waited until everyone was out, except the both of us that stayed downstairs. "Alright you little twerp. Where were you those two days?" Jasper said as she got to my level, still holding my shirt collar. "W-what? Why do you want to know?" I said as I tried to get out of Jasper's grip. "I've let you off the hook the last month or so with Lapis, and I know you were with her. I need you to stay away from her, or I'll give you more than just a black eye, nerd." Jasper said threateningly as she held up her fist to my stomach.

I gulped in fear. I felt sweat tumble down my forehead, and my hands were shaking. I didn't know what to do, and I was in a state of panic, so I slightly nodded my head. Of course, I didn't mean it then. I'll always want to be with Lapis, and nothing's going to change that. Guess I'll just have to face the consequences of it later. "Good," Jasper said as she pushed me to the ground. "We're going to a bar tomorrow night after the performance. I expect Lapis there," Jasper said with a grinning snarl as she made her way past me and joined the others upstairs.

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