Chapter 10

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Peridot's POV:

I spent the whole night at Lapis' house; I hope she didn't mind. I couldn't just leave her there so vulnerable and drunk the night before. She was in a bad state, and anyone with a brain would do the same as I did. I decided to take a few extra pillows off the bed once Lapis fell asleep. I made myself comfortable on the floor and tried to doze off. Though, my eyes always went back to Lapis sleeping peacefully. She had these faint snores while she slept, and she basically slept in a curled-up ball to keep herself warm. My eyes softened before deciding to get some shut-eye as well.

As the sun shone through the window, it was a sign that morning had arrived. My eyes barely were open, but I decided to make myself useful and got up with a big stretch and yawn. I looked over to Lapis' bed. She was still sound asleep and peaceful. I smiled, knowing the rest she is getting would be very needed from the night before. I was still furious at Jasper. The stunt she pulled on Lapis was just inhumane. I shook the thought off my head and stood up, walking out of the room, closing the door quietly, trying not to wake Lapis.

I sighed as I successfully snuck out of the room and went into the kitchen. The place was surprisingly really clean and fancy-looking. Neatly stacked cutlery in drawers, tons of plates in the cupboards, beautiful marble tables, and a gas stove. I nodded in approval to myself as I looked around. I hope Lapis doesn't mind if I help myself. I looked in the cabinets to see if there were any bread packs. Luckily, some were spotted at the back. I took that out and grabbed the eggs and butter as well. I decided to make toast and sunny-side-up eggs for breakfast. I decided to make some for Lapis as well, a swell surprise for her when she wakes up. I ate my food in silence, still looking at the house in awe. A buzz was heard from my phone, I took it out of my pocket as I gave one more bite into my toast. I read the messages that popped up with a frown.

Amethyst: Dude, you left without saying anything last night. Where did you go?

Amethyst had texted me. She was correct; I had told no one about my leave, but there was no time. I had to get Lapis to her house so she could sort herself out.

You: Sorry, I had to take Lapis home.

I replied as I took another bite of my bread.

Amethyst: K, but you left us without a ride home, man. We had to take the Uber.

I chuckled to myself. That poor driver's ears; he must have wanted to rip them off his head because of all the noise in the car.

You: Sorry, I'll make it up to you guys sooner or later. I texted, shaking my head with a scoff. Suddenly, I heard a groan coming from halfway up the stairs.

Lapis came walking down lazily as she rubbed her eyes. Her clothes were now wrinkled and scrunched up. Her hair was messy and everywhere, but I didn't mind. "Good morning, sleepyhead," I welcomed as I swallowed the bread. She jumped in surprise, her eyes now wide open. Guess that's a way to wake someone up, huh? "Peridot? W-what are you doing here?" She said in confusion as she looked around nervously for something that didn't exist. I chuckled before speaking. "You didn't look too well when I dragged you out of the bar, so I took you home," I said with a smile, trying to avoid the major details that happened. "I hope you don't mind, I helped myself, but I made you breakfast as well," I said, pointing to the breakfast that was situated on the table.

Lapis didn't reply; she only looked at me with her eyes squinted. It looked like she was trying to remember everything that happened last night. But after a few seconds, her face went completely red. "Uhm, quick question," Lapis said, finally talking. "Did I uhm..." she said, now holding her arm and looking down. "Did I try to kiss you last night?" She said this briefly but in a stressed and embarrassed tone. I took a moment to process what she had just asked, but I didn't want to make her uncomfortable, so I decided to lie. "No," I said quickly, trying to put on my best acting skills. I didn't want to make this even more uncomfortable than it already is, so I lied. "No," I said with a confused expression, trying to put on my best acting skills. And she believed it; she mouthed "oh" and took a seat next to me.

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