Chapter 2

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Lapis' POV:

As I unlocked the door, I turned to throw my jean jacket on one of the counters next to the door. I quickly grabbed my uniform to tie around my neck and waist. I looked at my phone, which I took out of my back pants pocket, and opened the screen with a simple password. 7:34 am. "Okay, just 4 minutes late, that's not too bad." Suddenly, I was met with one of my coworkers standing in front of me with a smirk. "4 minutes late, Lazuli. I honestly thought you wouldn't be here until 8 am today," Aquamarine would say as she dialed down her smirk and turned away as she threw her uniform on briefly. "What was it this time, huh? More traffic with your bike? The shower? Alarm didn't go off?" Aquamarine would say with nasty chuckles as she walked to the cashier counter. "N-no. I just lost track of time," I said in a bitter tone as I followed her towards the counter.

"Pfft, of course. Wouldn't expect anything else from simple Lapis Lazuli," Aquamarine would say with a nasty smirk once again, folding her arms tightly, glaring at me, daring me to say something in response. Instead, I lowered my head and furrowed my brows as I opened the cash register, resetting all the mechanics so that the restaurant could open at 8 am. In return for my silence, Aquamarine scoffed and moved to the backroom of the restaurant, where all the drinks and delicious goods were made.

The restaurant was now open. Every few minutes, you would hear the bell ring at the glass door, letting you know a person had just entered. I sighed as I saw customers walk out the door and in again; it's the same cycle every day... "Miss?" I quickly snapped out of my little trance. "Oh yes! Sorry, how may I be of service today, ma'am?" I would say with a nervous, toothy smile, now standing up straight with my hands neatly in front of me. "One Irish coffee, please," an old dame would say with a soft gaze and a comforting smile. "Of course, may I please have your name, ma'am?" I said, quickly changing my stiff posture to grab a cup and a marker out of the drawer, ready to write the lady's name. "Nanefua," the lady said with a sincere smile before digging into her purse to get out the cash she would need. "Great, that would be $6.79, ma'am.

A few seconds later of silence, and the lady looked up at me with a sorrowful expression. "I'm sorry, dear, looks like the only cash I have is $5," she said in a low tone as she put her purse back in her tiny brown bag. "I suppose I will have to cancel my order," she said, trying to bring up a smile, but one could see the clear disappointment in her eyes. "You know what, make it $5. The rest is on me," I said with an embarrassed smile as I rubbed the back of my head. "Oh, thank you so much, my dear!" the lady said as she quickly dug into her purse once again, only to take out the $5 she had told me about. She swiftly reached out to hand the money to me before adjusting her big round glasses into a comfortable position that would rest on her nose. Naturally, I have a pretty big soft spot for old people. I just couldn't help myself. She just seems so innocent. It's only a few dollars, right? "Thank you, ma'am, your coffee should be done shortly. I will call you when it's ready for collection." I said in a calm tone as I buried the cash into the cash register. The lady nodded before taking her seat at a two-seated table, patiently waiting for her collection.

As I finished putting the money away, I turned around the corner of the back room and shouted, "One Irish Coffee needed!" Some employees nodded in acknowledgment, and some just groaned. I don't blame them. Friday is usually a day that drags itself out until the very end, and sometimes a person just wants a day without any orders, especially today. As I turned my head to walk back to the counter, a familiar face popped up in front of me.

(731 Words)

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