Chapter 7

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Lapis' POV

As I locked the door behind me, I threw my flannel on the couch and walked past the bowl of popcorn that had been sitting there since I left the house. I forced myself upstairs and flopped down on my bed belly-flop style. The crickets were chirping, and the moon was now at its brightest as it shone through the window. A few more moments of silence flew by before a chaotic and excited scream came from my mouth. I screamed directly into my pillow, kicking my feet up and down in happiness.

Once my little screaming fit was over, I rolled over on my back, exhausted from all the wasted breath I had just used to strain my vocal cords. But it didn't stop me from bringing a bright smile to my face. I had just experienced the best night of my life. I saw the best band to ever live, I sang my little heart out, and I got to see Peridot once more. My brain clicked as I remembered that I gave her my number. Faster than the speed of light, I yanked my phone out of my pocket, almost letting it slip out of my grip and fall, but luckily that did not happen. I scrolled down to messages, but none were to be seen, except for Aquamarine, who had left a text right when I got out.

British Bitch: You owe me a full shift at work because of that wait in the car.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, deciding not to respond to Aquamarine at that moment. I sighed and closed my eyes in satisfaction. Almost half a second later, the phone buzzed in my hand. I quickly opened my eyes and checked for any new incoming messages. There it was.

Unknown Number: Hey, This is Peridot. Sorry it took a while for me to text. Had to get settled in at home.

I smiled in delight, and I'm pretty sure my pupils grew larger too. I quickly texted back, constantly making mistakes while typing due to the speed I was typing.

You: Oh! It's no biggi!

You: Bigg13*

You: Biggie*

I frowned at the simple typo I had made, but it flew out of my mind when Peridot texted back.

Unknown Number: You're safe at your place too, right?

A small "aw" left my mouth as I noticed she was trying to know if I was safe and sound.

You: Yes, I'm chilling on my bed right now.

Unknown Number: That's good...

It was silent for a few seconds, so I decided to act like I was typing, but I was really just texting random letters and deleting them afterward, just so it didn't seem like I had run out of conversation. I was relieved when she was the first to text me.

Unknown Number: So, the gang and I are going out for drinks this upcoming Sunday. Do you perhaps want to join us?

I immediately sat up straight, my face now focused on the screen, trying to think of what to say. She really just asked me to go with her to a bar, with the rest of the Sharded Band members. This really is the best day of my life.

You: Sure! I'm up for it, but I'll be arriving on my bike. I don't really have a car to drive myself there, hehe.

Unknown Number: Wait, so the silver car at the concert wasn't yours?

I was surprised she had seen me get into the car. Was she looking at me after I said goodbye to her? I questioned myself, bringing my hand up to my face, lifting my nose up slightly, and covering my mouth as a little blush appeared on my cheeks.

You: No, a friend came to pick me up for the concert and drop me off.

Unknown Number: Oh, okay then. Just making sure.

Unknown Number: So, can I pick you up then?

My heart stopped for a second, scanning the message to see if I read that message correctly. Peridot was offering to come and pick me up with her car. A happy sensation shot through my body. Somehow, Peridot made me feel special, even if she didn't even intend on doing so.

You: That would be perfect, thank you.

Unknown number: No problem.

Unknown Number: Well I guess this is Goodnight then. See you Sunday.

You: See you Sunday, and goodnight!

I held the phone close to my chest, sighing in relief and comfort. I fell back down on my bed before looking at my phone again. I quickly changed Peridot's username to "Peridot <33." Corny, I know, but I just had to get a suitable username for her for now; I'll change it tomorrow. I plugged my phone in so that it would charge through the night. I lay there, staring at the ceiling, a smile still occupying my face. At last, I closed my eyes to rest and finally fell asleep.

(834 Words)

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