Chapter 34

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Lapis' POV:

I groaned as I struggled to get the coffee machine to work. Everything has just been a disaster today. I got an earful from my manager and Aquamarine for the last few days because of my absence; it's infuriating. But there was one upside to all the chaos: I get to spend the night with Peridot and the rest of the band at the bar. With that on my mind, it was my whole mission to take and give out orders faster than the speed of light, not just to get everything finished, but to get on my manager's and coworkers' good side.

"You seem hyper," Aquamarine said in a low and suspicious tone as she leaned against the counter, stirring a cup of café latte with her thin wooden stick. "Huh? Oh, I just have some stuff I'm doing later today, and I need to finish as quickly as possible," I said as I took a bit of a breather to speak to Aquamarine. "Wait, why are you not working right now? And are you even allowed to take drinks from the restaurant?" I asked with a lifted brow as I eyed the latte and then back to Aquamarine.

"Number one, we're on break, idiot. Of course, you were too busy to realize that. And number two, I can do whatever I want," Aquamarine said with a sly smirk as she walked off to the back room, disappearing from view. I shook my head, trying to clear it and calm myself so that I could think clearly. At last, I decided to take a break and head outside, grabbing a bagel and placing it in a paper bag, folding it neatly. I placed some leftover cash in the cash register and made my way outside, with the entrance bell making a loud PING!

I sighed as I took my first bite of the bagel. I was leaning against the lamp post, the one Peridot usually comes to pick me up from. I can't wait for tonight; I need a bit of a night out anyway. Peridot was probably preparing for her next concert in a few minutes. She always keeps me updated on upcoming shows and their dates, just in case I decide to make an appearance. I'll go and view backstage again when my job isn't hammering demands on me 24/7.

As I threw my paper bag away, with only scattered crumbs inside, I went back into the restaurant, practicing my "fake customer smile" for the rest of the day. I inhaled sharply before I took my place in front of the counter, ready to take and serve any orders, except...

"Hey there, pretty lady? Long time no see, mhm?" Kevin said with a smirk as he leaned against the counter with a nasty grin on his face. "You again?" I said with a low growl. I felt my fists ball up; I was definitely not in the mood for him right now. Sure, he's a customer, but with my fast customer service streak on the run, he was just going to slow it down. "What do you want to order, Kevin?" I said harshly, avoiding eye contact with this creep. "Sheesh, always have to be so mean? Can't give a man a break?" Kevin said with a teasing smirk.

One more word from him that would annoy me today, and I might just lose my job as quick as a snap of someone's finger. But just as I was about to lose my temper with Kevin, a familiar face walked in, and I've never been more relieved. "Peridot!" I said quickly, as my face lit up and a big smile was placed on my face. Kevin turned around quicker than the speed of light once he saw me lean over the counter to welcome someone else into the restaurant.

"Hey Lazuli," Peridot said with a soft smile and a slight blush on her cheeks as she walked closer towards the counter. "W-who are you?" Kevin asked with his arms folded, his face hidden with a hint of disgust. "Depends on who's asking," Peridot said calmly as she turned to face Kevin, her hands buried in her hoodie pockets. "Well, I don't really need to introduce myself to a low commoner, but since you want to know so badly," Kevin said with a pleased smirk, holding his hand to his chest confidently.

I felt Peridot squint her eyes, knowing the Peridot I know, she already wasn't liking the vibe Kevin was giving off. Peridot can be very overconfident too when she pleases, but Kevin is another sort of dweeb breed of cockiness and being an asshole. "I am Kevin, the soon-to-be owner of the Bugatti Chiron company, the greatest street racer ever known, and probably the most handsome man you've ever laid your eyes on," Kevin said confidently, reaching his hand out to grab Peridot's, wanting to plant his lips on her finger.

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