The Invitation and Only one can Remain

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"Hmm... now this is interesting." Cinder said as he looked at the scene in front of him. It's been a year since the Overlord's defeat and Zane's passing. After the memorial the ninja team have disbanded with Kai, Cole, and Jay going their separate ways. Leaving the dragonet and green ninja as the remaining members. Cinder was also on his own but has a communicator on him just in case Lloyd needs help. He and Ultra were flying along the south coastline of Ninjago. He was having fun exploring new places he never been too. As well as learning new things from Ultra and Ignitus.

He was then contacted by Lloyd, who informs him that smugglers were near his location, and were carrying exotic animals to the black market for what they were. Cinder confirm to go after them with Ultra. So the two were following the group high above, making the group think it was a bird. When the smugglers stopped for a break, the two dragons launched on the offensive.

It was a long fight, but the smugglers were no match against the two dragons. Cinder looked through the items that were left behind. Most of them were general goods and illegal medicines. But there were some creatures that were endangered or rare. There was Ice Birds, Wallopers, Starteeth, Storm Hawks, and Sand Eels. But there was also a Mino Rhino and the most dangerous of all was a Tigerwidow Spider. Cinder wonders how that got captured because of how venomous they are, but thought some of the smugglers aren't alive from trying to get it.

Cinder went to each cage and released the captured creatures from their cells. The Tigerwidow he carefully unlatch its cage for last and moved back quickly. The spider came out, clicked its pincher and scurry away. Cinder continued to look through the crates and seeing nothing else turned to Ultra.

"Ok. I've checked through everything. Let me get contact to Lloyd to get the police out here to detain all of this."

"Alright." Rocky said

Before Cinder could contact Lloyd he heard a voice coming from the crates. It was low but he could heard it. It sounded frustrated and irritated, wanting to get out. Cinder listens closely to it and follows it, which leading him to a lantern which was lit. He was confused, why wasn't there any smoke coming from it. So how was it lit? Then he heard the voice, much louder then before.


"What in Ninjago? What creature can communicate in the human tongue? Better let them out or else they died of thirst in it."

Cinder step over to the lantern, unlocks it, and opens it up. What he saw astonished him: a golden dragonfly flew out of the lantern. He can see that this dragonfly was completely different than others. First thing obviously was it could speak, was a bright gold compared to a yellow, red, brown, or blue. It also have four arms with hands that have opposable thumbs, allowing usage like a human and was bigger as well. Much bigger than regular dragonflies and Cinder wondered why the smugglers captured this dragonfly.

"Excuse me uh... sir? Are you alright?"

The dragonfly turn to look and it eyes widen at Cinder, who was confused of its reaction.

"U-uh yeah. I'm fine, just surprised of seeing you."

"Oh?" Cinder said curious and the dragonfly nodded

"Yes, not because you're a dragon, I seen a ton of them.  You just remind me of my foster brother."

"Foster brother?" Cinder questioned confused. He didn't know of a dragon being rested by dragonflies. But... that dragon wasn't the only one to be in that situation. So he shook his head and change the subject.

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