[108] Brewing Super Storm

Start from the beginning

The Sage's Authority. It was the ability to push your will upon the world. It was a form of reality bending. I couldn't use it to its full potential, not being a full-fledged Sage yet, but it helped to do small chores like this.

"It worked perfectly this time. Looks like it has finally stabilized perfectly."

I walked to my closet and donned myself with a pair of gray trousers, and a simple white shirt. It was Sunday, no school, so no need to wear that stuffy uniform.

I walked out of my room and made my way downstairs, into the living room.

* * *

The last two months have been fairly dull and boring compared to the first month of my high school life. But starting today it'll change.

From what Ai told me yesterday, Ruby and the rest of B-Komachi were going to be busy starting today. This meant frequent visits from Mem-Cho, Shoko, and Yuzuru, meaning I too would be busy teaching them spells.

However, I had a feeling other reasons would have me busy.

When I reached the living room door, I heard the chatter of the exact girls, as well as Arima Kana and Tsubasa.

"Gosh, you look so pretty! Whoa, what's that smell in your hair??"

"Hehe, I'll tell you later~"

Yuzuru and Kana were busy talking about each other's looks. What a surprise, short girls got well together.

"Ugh, I just woke up earlier. Did any of you see Onii-chan?" Ruby was sitting on a couch, yawning still. Though at least she seemed to have washed up.

"Wait, check out this comment!"


Mem and Shoko were watching a Twitter post, giggling to themselves.

Away from them, I saw Tsubasa biting her nails as she worked on her laptop. When I walked into the room, she stopped biting her nails and looked at me, as did everyone else.

I waved at them. "Morning girls," I said as I looked around. "Ai's not here yet?"

When I mentioned Ai, Ruby's bright and cheerful expression at seeing me, died out as she looked away. Kana shook her head, "I saw her jogging with Asia and Blue when I was on my way. She told me she'll be here in a bit."

In the last two months, when the rebrand of B-Komachi connected together, Ai had revealed herself to be our mother to all of them. I trusted all of them to keep that a secret, although I had been a little skeptical about Kana at first.

"Do you know why she called us over so early in the morning?" Shoko asked as she waved back at me, "It seems important."

"It really is," I nodded as I moved to the kitchen to brew myself coffee. "Although it's been two months since you've officially joined the group, there has been barely any training after that. Since someone," I eyed Ruby, "has been feeling lazy and unsure about this entire thing."

She looked away once more, mouthing a little something under her breath.

Ruby wanted to be an idol, she dreamed about that since she was a kid. Honestly, that childhood dream was true for most of the girls here, although not all. Ruby, or I guess Sarina here, in particular wanted to be an idol because she was inspired by Ai. During her current life, that dream of hers had one more reason. She wanted to find her lover, Doctor Gorou, by reviving the idol band he was a fan of. B-Komachi.

However, Doctor Gorou was dead. And her reincarnation, me, has been with her all these years. She had found that out. So the second reason behind her dream didn't exist anymore. As for the first reason, which was the inspiration by Ai, Ruby didn't see Ai as... a respectable figure anymore. So that inspiration too had fallen.

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