I will make sure Lance has everything he needs for this wedding, but at the same time, I can annoy Brooke.

My brother and I had a few more drinks before I left and headed back to my condo with two bodyguards following me who just happened to be my friends.


As I entered my condo, I couldn't help but feel a mix of determination and excitement. I knew that balancing my responsibilities towards Lance's wedding and my desire for revenge would be challenging, but I was ready to take on the task. With my friends by my side, I felt confident that I could navigate this delicate situation without letting anyone down.

I put the music on and sent a few texts to some friends to come over and party all night, even sending texts to a few sexy women who I haven't seen in a while. I wanted to have some fun, and pussy was on the menu like every night.

I glanced at Wade and smiled mischievously, knowing he was thinking the same thing. Then I faced Kalvin, and we both exchanged a knowing look, ready to embark on a wild night of debauchery.

Yep, my friends were up for a night with hot, sexy girls and having fun.

As I was about to put my mobile away, I did some stalking on social media to see if there were any potential candidates for our wild night. But that's when I noticed a few of my friends were friends with Brooke and her two roomies. I decided to check out their profiles and see if they were up to anything interesting.

I've not seen or heard from Brooke in five years, so I was curious to see what she had been up to.

"Are you stalking Brooke Delaware?" Wade asked jokingly.

"She's friends with a lot of interesting people on social media," I replied, trying to downplay my curiosity.

Wade gave me an annoying glare as he glanced at Kalvin, and they both rolled their eyes.

I quickly brushed off Wade's comment and continued scrolling through Brooke's profile. As I clicked on her latest post, I couldn't help but wonder what adventures she had embarked on since we last crossed paths.

"Sam," Kalvin was trying to get my attention when there's a knock at the door, and I brush him off as I put my mobile in my pocket.

Why the hell was I so worried over Brooke? It's been five years since we had a one-night stand, and we both hate each other. I just want to get my own back for her sly remarks about me and how she pointed her finger when she was yelling at me.

Oh yeah, she's got one hot temper when she's ready to blow, and I made it worse by laughing at her. I even inquired as to why she thinks her sister loves my brother, and her answer was long and boring the crap out of me. That caused another argument, which she then brings up about Liam, her then boyfriend, who sounded like a jerk.

I mockingly nodded and said something, then kissed her. Yep, I shut her up with a kiss, which resulted in us going to my hotel suite and getting naked. The night was filled with passion and desire. But after I did the deed, I regretted it because I realised that I had acted impulsively without considering the consequences. To be honest, I felt ashamed and guilty for my actions and for the fact that we hated each other, and now there was no escaping the awkwardness that would follow.


The party was going well, with so many people enjoying themselves as they were getting drunk and hanging by the pool. Meanwhile, I couldn't shake off the feeling of an impending disaster. I drank a little and tried to socialise, but deep down I knew that something was about to go terribly wrong.

And that's when my mobile rings, and my brother Lance is stuttering his words down the phone. "Sam, I'm at the hospital with Ella; she's been in a car accident." I stepped away from the noise of the party and headed to my room for the quietness.

"Is she okay?" I asked, concerned knowing how much my brother loves this woman, desperately hoping for a positive answer.

"Yes, she's fine. She just got a little banged up and broke her leg, but nothing serious. We tried to reach Brooke, but she's not answering her mobile, and Ella wants her sister here." Lance informs me.

"And you want me to try and find Brooke and tell her about her sister?" I reply.

"It would mean so much to Ella to have her sister near her while their parents are still on their cruise." 

"I understand the importance, and I'll do my best to locate Brooke and tell her as soon as possible." Lance is putting me on the spot by asking me to find Brooke. I have no idea where to start or who she might be with. It's not like we contact one another or know each other's schedule. It's been five years since I've been face-to-face with Brooke, and I don't know how she will react. "Lance, you know how to set a guy up for a challenge, don't you?" My brother laughed at what I said in an amusing way. "Do you know we don't get on?" I add.

"Sam, I would do it, but I need to stay with Ella," he said, trying to come up with an excuse.

"Okay, I will try my hardest to find Brooke and let her know about her sister." I said it with an uneasy feeling.

"Thanks bro. I'll wait for you to contact me." Lance ended the call, and I ran my fingers through my hair as I tried to figure out a plan. 

I knew finding Brooke wouldn't be easy, but I was determined to help. As I pondered my next move, I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that there was more to this situation than met the eye.

The first thing I need to do is inform Wade and Kalvin of what's happened and leave my own party to search for Brooke.


She might not have answered her mobile because she was busy or working, but when I glanced at the time, it was after one in the morning. I guess I need to go to her place first, but I have no idea where the hell Brooke lives. I know she shares a house with her two friends, but that's it.

I got my mobile out and stalked her again to find out where she might be, and her friends have posted a few pics of them at some sort of event. I guess that's where I'm heading first. As I scrolled through the pictures, I noticed a familiar landmark in the background. It seemed like the event was held at a popular venue downtown. With this clue in mind, I decided to head towards the downtown area, hoping to find Brooke and her friends there.

With Wade and Kalvin with me, we sat in the back of the car in silence as they glared at me for my sudden urge to find Brooke. So I explained what Lance told me, and they smirked.

Wade chuckled and said, "Leave it to Lance to give us a clue in the most unconventional way."

Kalvin nodded in agreement, adding, "Well, if Brooke's at a popular venue downtown, we better be prepared for a crowded scene." We all exchanged knowing glances before, and I know I will get hounded by the paparazzi if they know I'm there.

"Wade, call for more bodyguards," I whispered under my breath.

"I will do that now." He answered as he glanced at Kalvin, who seemed to be on high alert.

No matter where I go, I get hounded by the media for being an A-list actor, and it gets too much at times to handle. I often find myself longing for privacy and a break from the constant scrutiny. It's exhausting to constantly be in the spotlight and have every move analysed and criticised by the public. I understand that being a public figure comes with certain expectations, but it can be overwhelming to constantly live under such intense scrutiny. Sometimes, I just wish I could blend into the crowd and have a moment of peace without cameras flashing in my face.

The car pulled up to the venue where Brooke's friends are, but I don't know if Brooke is here or not. I hope she is, so I don't have to search half the city for her. All I want to do is give her the message that her sister is in the hospital, then go back to my condo, where my party is waiting for me.

We didn't wait long for a few other bodyguards to show up and join us. With Kalvin and Wade by my side and the other bodyguards spread out, I felt confident that everything would be taken care of.


Thank you for reading 

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