Jisung, despite his anxiety, was doing rather well. He preferred to walk with one of us while in the halls, and we chose to avoid the cafeteria yesterday and instead ate outside, but when he was in a class taught by one of our hyung's, his personality slipped out a little. People were amused by his humor, and found him to be just as bright as Felix was, but in a more timid way.

Honestly, this should have been expected. My boyfriends were all rather attractive, and also now stuck in a building filled with hormones and teenage angst. The result of this combination? Exactly what was currently happening with Hyunjin.

As soon as the bell rang the room fell silent, and the students no longer attempted to hide their stares as they all turned to Hyunjin with expectation. His response was to blink, his expression as blank as Jeongin's. "That was kind of creepy, guys. Like a hive mind."

This one comment was able to elicit giggles from almost every single girl in the room, and me and Jeongin looked at each other before rolling our eyes. I couldn't exactly blame them. If you weren't used to Hyunjin's charms and the most attractive guys in your life were the male student body of this crappy prep school, then it's only understandable that people would end up fawning over a bunch of new and attractive teachers. And while he definitely wasn't charismatic in the typical sense of the word, he had a charm that was difficult to not eventually fall for. Especially since said charm was unintentional.

Hyunjin leaned back into his seat, his expression making it very clear that he was unsure on what to do next. "So did you guys, like . . . all get caught at a party, or something? Did you get caught robbing a bank? Seriously, why are there so many of you?"

Once again his words were somehow able to make the entire room giggle like love sick teenagers, but I guess sense that's what the room was currently filled with, it was to be expected. He finally seemed to notice the girls didn't intend to do anything but stare at him with heart eyes, and his confusion only grew.

No longer finding entertainment out of Hyunjin's struggle, I moved to pull my laptop out of my bag, but because of the lack of desks, I was forced to balance the device on my lap as I signed into one of my work accounts. I didn't hesitate to start working on decoding whatever virus was used to tamper with the cameras, well aware that no one in the room would be skilled enough to know what I was doing. I would honestly be surprised if they stopped drooling over Hyunjin long enough to even notice I was on a computer.

I could feel Jeongin lean over my shoulder slightly as he watched me. He had told me long ago that he found it satisfying to watch me type, and would often come into my room for that exact purpose. I didn't mind him hovering over me, and I tuned out my surroundings as I focused on the numbers flashing across my screen. If something happened, he would alert me, so I was able to let my guard down as I felt him rest his chin on my shoulder.

Whatever code they used to hack into the security system was encrypted, but the way they did it was rather odd. Code is a language, in a way. And like all languages, there are different ways to speak it. The code they used seemed more like a patchwork of different coding techniques instead of one consistent style, which had its pros and cons. While this makes it more difficult for others to decipher, it also takes more time to write and is weaker than more straightforward styles. That meant whoever did this had plenty of time to hack into the camera's operating system, and was most likely trying to buy themselves time instead of actually trying to stop people from reversing their code. Sadly, this didn't mean much. The entire purpose of hacking into a camera was to create a timeframe of unrecorded freedom. All this meant was that their coding style was perfectly matched with its purpose. Most would assume this meant whoever hacked into the cameras was smart for doing it that way, but the only reason they had to code the way they did was because they weren't skilled enough to do it without people noticing. That meant the culprit was a novice. And if they were a novice, I could track them.

The Mafia's Dove (Hyunjin centric)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon