“I just don't want to harm anyone to substain myself.” Dan said.

“You don't have to. Some vampires are just plainly careless. Not all vampires use humans as food.”

“The day you bought me, another vampire had sucked a human girl dry from her blood.” Devon's eyes widened.
“She was grey, small and wrinkled up. Ethan then said that you'd do the same to me once you get tired off me.”

“The one that whipped you in front of me?”

“Yeah…” Dan felt a growl come from Devon's chest.

Dan finished his bacon strips. “How do you turn humans into vampires?”

Devon was quiet for a second and then groaned. “It's a bit complicated. It doesn't always work. So, the human must drink blood. Can be any blood - while a chant is being said by a powerful and qualified vampire. The human must then take a small amount of their master's blood.” Devon said. “That's about it to put it simply.”

“Why don't your family do it?”

“We're to busy for that and other vampires had our powers and skill, it could pose a threat to us.” Devon answered. “The human is drinking their master's blood, inheriting whatever gift is in the blood.”

Dan pushed the plats away when it was empty. “What's yours? You can move things with your mind. You're really strong.”

“I can turn into a large raven. I can read other's mind, but I don't use it. Then, there's one power that got me my nickname.”

“Which is?”

“One day, an assassin tried to kill my father and next thing I knew I was protecting him using the shadows. I controlled and bend the shadows to my will.”


Devon chuckled. “There's the mind link I did with you. I have super speed and flight and then there's my natural senses.” Before Devon could continue, Dan leaned in forward making Devon lay down.

Devon felt Dan's lips kissing him again, enticing a moan from him. “I wanna learn the vampire ways, first.” Dan said softly.
“Will you help me with it?”

“You don't have to ask.” Devon smiled, quickly making them both stand up. The plate floated up to Devon's hand as he smirked. “We can start right now, if you want to?” Dan nodded as the plate floated out of the door back to the dinning room.

“I think sight should be done first.”


Warrick walked around the bunker, lost in his mind. He tried hard to get rid of the memory of him and Khumbani.

No matter what he did, it only came back. Warrick eventually found himself at a cafeteria where many humans were busy eating, chattng away.

He slowly backed away, careful not to make noise. Once he was out of view, he quickly turned towards where he had come from.
“Prince Warrick? Is everything alright?”

Warrick looked to the left to see Alpha. “Please, just call me Warrick.” he said, rolling his eyes in annoyance.  “And I'm not telling you anything.” Warrick said only to walk away.

“But, something is bothering you.” Alpha said, quickly catching up with Warrick.

“I just need space and to be alone.”

“Then I know the perfect place.”

Warrick looked at Alpha strangely for a second as he turned right into a hallway. “Where are you taking me?” Warrick asked, more annoyed.

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