Chapter 2- Meeting Armin

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Y/N walked out with Erwin walking beside her asking her if everything was okay in which she had assured him that the meeting went well.

Making their way to the second cell, Erwin stopped Y/N (placing a hand on her shoulder) in her tracks before she could enter.

"Y/N. This patient is very manipulative and smart. Please be cautious around him, his name is Armin." Erwin said.

"I'll be alright. Thank you sir." You said before smiling and entering the room.

It was just like Erens only it had lots of books. Books which were made to prevent any self harm of course.

"Armin.?" Y/N called out only to soon have her mouth covered by a pale hand from behind, startling her.

"Shhh. Are you here to drug me? I didn't do anything wrong this time I swear. You look like a new doctor.. are you here to bully me or something. Why would you-" he began to ramble before Y/N gently took his hand off.

Turning to face him Y/N saw his blue eyes and blonde hair, similar to Erwin's. He was very fragile by the looks of it but was very smart, according to Erwin.

Shaking his hand Y/N said, " I'm your permanent doctor. You startled me quite a bit Armin.!"

"I can tell.. your breathing has become quite fast from when I first saw you walk in to now.. you heart rate is very high so let's sit down shall we?" Armin offered.

"O-oh. If it's okay with you." Y/N said before sitting on the edge of his bed only for him to sit right beside her, taking her cherry scent.

"I'd like to know you since it's my first day. You can tell me anything about yourself. Family, hobbies oh! And I already know about you being friends with Eren but you can tell me if you have any more."

"I don't have any family and I guess im friends with the other guys" He said bluntly. "Say, why don't you tell me about you? I'd rather get to know my doctor instead of talk about my boring self."

"Oh well I don't think your boring. But if you want to know more about me, I live with my 3 friends who also work here and my favourite colour is (f/c)" Y/N said with a smile.

"Hmm. I don't trust you just yet.. hopefully I will one day but todays not the day." He innocently said before getting up from his bed and making his way to the bookshelf and picked out a book.

"Y/N.. it's a beautiful name. I hope you like reading this! Consider it a gift of meeting me." He said before handing Y/N a book. "It's about the ocean!~"

"T-thank you Armin. It's very nice that you gave me this, hopefully once I've met all of my patients I'll be able to get you all something that you like."

Y/N soon left with the book in her hands and waved goodbye to the blonde boy to soon walk with Erwin to the next cell.

Armin looked back at the spot she sat at and smiled mischievously as he smelt her cherry scent remain and soon cherished it.

He wanted to meet his doctor again. Only his.

Mental Hospital AU! Yandere! Attack on Titan x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now