Erwin Ending

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"Y/N! I thought you were hurt or died!" Erwin yelled as he walked towards her and gripped her shoulders. "You're always getting into trouble.. I'm glad you're safe."

"E-Erwin... Erwin! Did you find Krista or Ymir? Sasha? Please tell me you did." Y/N begged.

"They're alright. I've had everyone evacuate the building. It's just us and the patients inside." Erwin explained.

"L-let's go then." Y/N said before walking into the hallway. Erwin dragged her back in quickly. "Erwin what're you doing?"

"We can't get out of the Hospital because of the exits being blocked. There's one in my office and if me make in time we can escape." Erwin said.

The pair quickly walked towards the office, making sure to avoid any trouble in the distant rooms and hallways. As they turned the final corner, they halted in their tracks to see a large pillar blocking the entrance.

"Erwin what're we going to do..?" Y/N asked as she turned to him.

"I'll get supplies from the store room in the other hallway. Stay here." Erwin said as he walked away.

Looking down, Y/N saw an opening to the office. Crawling through the rubble and under the large pillar, Y/N barely made her way to the office. Standing up, she made her way to the emergency exit only for it to be locked. Looking around, Y/N went to Erwin's desk and began to scatter his papers on the floor and search for the key.

Opening his draws, Y/N could see pictures of herself. Ones from Krista's social media account. Picking them up, Y/N instantly recognised them from past moments she shared with her dead friends. Only.. she was the only one in the pictures.

Rustling noises could be heard getting louder and louder, meaning that Erwin must be getting into the room. Placing the pictures back into the draw, Y/N stood up properly and walked towards the door. Did she really want to leave with this man? Could she even trust him.?

As the pillar fell to the floor, Erwin stepped over it and made his way into the room with a large piece of wood. He walked over to Y/N and gently placed a hand on her shoulder. On the side of his forehead, it was dripping blood whilst his face was covered with dust. His usual, nicely combed hair was much messier than she last saw it.

"E-Erwin. Are you okay?" Y/N said nervously as she stepped back a bit.

"I'm alright.. I just slipped and hit my head. Yeah." Erwin said as he made his was to the emergency exit.

"It's been blocked off too. It needs a key." Y/N explained.

"How did you get in?" Erwin asked.

"I saw an opening from below. The door was broken so I crawled into it-" Y/N explained.

"Didn't I tell you to stay outside?" Erwin asked in a menacing tone. "Imagine you got crushed under the pillar from too much movement? What would I do? What would I tell your friends?"

Y/N stood frozen in the spot. She never considered any on those things, but is she did then she never would've found the drawer full of pictures.

"S-sorry. I thought I could've helped." Y/N muttered.

Erwin simply looked at his desk and his eyes widened. All of his papers were scattered wasn't the problem to him. The drawer. Turning his head he saw Y/N looking at him.

"Did you go through the drawer?" Erwin asked.

"W-What.?" Y/N asked, acting dumbfounded.

"I asked a question Y/N and I expect an answer, not another answer." Erwin said before fully turning to face her. "Answer me."

"I d-did." Y/N whispered before looking down at her feet, not wanting to see his face.

"No no no. Look up." Erwin demanded as he lifted her head up by the chin with his hand. "What did you see?"

"Pictures." Y/N simply said.

"Do you know how hard it is for me to see you talking to those devils?" Erwin asked as he kept the hand on her chin. "I don't think you do."

"G-get your hand off me! Your a creep!" Y/N yelled as she stepped away from him.

"Oh? Is that what you think of me?" Erwin asked as he towered over her. "I'm not going anywhere. And neither are you."

Erwin gripped the wooden object and swung it at her head, knocking her out.




Sitting at the vanity mirror, Y/N looked at herself only to look back at Erwin who was closing the door behind him. This would probably be the worst night and day of her life. And who would've thought a bride would hate her own wedding day?

"Look forward Y/N, not at me right now." Erwin ordered.

Looking back at herself in the mirror, Erwin walked over to her and stood behind her. Resting his hands on her shoulder.

"You messed up tonight. On purpose." Erwin said.

"I didn't d-do it on purpose! I swear-" Y/N protested.

"Quiet. You'll only speak when I tell you to Y/N, you know that by now." Erwin demanded.

Sweat ran down her forehead as she continued to stare at herself in the mirror. Erwin's hands made his way to her arms as he rubbed them up and down.

"When I told you, not to try and get help. What's the one thing you did?" Erwin asked.

"I a-asked for help." Y/N answered.

"You're stupid for trusting that woman at the wedding. She is stupid and couldn't get your signs of help. Neither could your brother." Erwin said.

"I didn't say anything to Aiden!" Y/N yelled only to quickly silence herself.

"You're lucky I even let that brat come to the wedding. Luckily, he's oblivious just like everyone." Erwin muttered. "Stupid flower boy."

"Stop it!" Y/N sobbed out before covering her face in her hands to cry. She let it all out, all of her anger, sadness, disgust. Everything. Whatever makeup was on her face was spilled down her cheeks. He had kept her in his mansion for a few years, finally took her outside only to be meeting fancy, rich people at parties.

"Now now Y/N, we don't want you to get the prettiness off your face. Imagine what would happen if you had red eyes and tears all the time? I wouldn't be able to dress up my doll or have her meet my friends." Erwin said as he gently pulled her head out of her hands and made her face the mirror.

Y/N's eyes were pink from the non-stop sobbing, the very little makeup on her face was ruined until Erwin wiped it off to prevent it spilling on her expensive dress or staining her beautiful face.

"Tell me, what is you want so bad that you'd want more than a life with me? Hm?" Erwin asked.

"I.. I want to see Krista, Ymir, Sasha. I want to see them again goddammit! I don't want Aiden to think I'm living a happy life when I'm not! Has the only family I have.. I want to see my mom and dad again!" Y/N answered only for Erwin to grip her cheeks and direct her attention to his face.

"Too bad. You're going to let your husband dress you up and play with you like the doll you are. I won't hesitate to punish you just to teach you. Do you understand?" Erwin asked for Y/N to simply nod and let him go.

Was this the life Y/N even wanted? A life of rich and fame? She's rather be with those three idiots, talking about something stupid like they used to. And her brother was too young to understand anything but was everything to her at one point.

"Get changed into your nightwear and go to sleep. I'll join you in a while." Erwin demanded.

"Y-Yes Erwin." Y/N stuttered.

Mental Hospital AU! Yandere! Attack on Titan x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now