Eren Ending

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Looking into his green eyes, Y/N never knew how much she would dread the head the words that would escape his lips.

"Y/N! I was looking for you. You and I can get out of here alive if we hurry up!" Eren explained as he grabbed her hand.

"Where's Armin?! Jean said that you and Armin were together, so where is he?" Y/N asked.

"Armin got crushed under rubble. He told me to escape before Bertolt and Reiner set any more bombs off near me." Eren answered.

"W-what?! It was those two..?!" Y/N exclaimed. "We have to get back to the staff room so that I can have you-"

"No!" Eren yelled as he interrupted her. "You and I can make it out together!"

"But we can't! You're a patient and I have to make sure you get to safety." Y/N said.

"Y/N.. I feel safe with you! I don't need this place to help me, you help me whenever I see you, talk to you! I love you so much Y/N, please!" Eren confessed.

"Eren.." Y/N began to say until he dragged her off, making their way to the nearest exit.

"Eren I don't think I can return these feelings in the current environment but I need Mikasa to at least know you are safe!" Y/N said making Eren stop in his tracks.

"Forget Mikasa! You and I can start a new life together. I just need you to trust me. Please Y/N." Eren begged.

The two stood there in the dim, red lit hallway. Screams could be heard from every corner of the building, making Y/N shiver. She still had to find Krista, Ymir and Sasha. Where they even okay?

"Eren." Y/N said, getting his attention. As he ripped his head towards her, Y/N gently kissed his cheek and gripped his hands.

"Please understand that we can escape together after I find my friends. You and I can live together after this. No one will intrude our life except for our friends, I promise." Y/N said.

Eren could only blush bright red at her actions. She was devoting herself to him in exchange to look for her possibly dead or alive friends.

"L-let's go then." Eren said as they quickly ran together towards the different Wards.

Making their way into each of the Wards, their bodies couldn't be found nor any of their belongings. A wave of relief washed over Y/N as she turned back to Eren, who was already looking at her.

"Y/N, someone dangerous could be lurking around here and trying to take you. We have to get going now, please." Eren said.

Y/N smiled at him and made their way to the emergency exit, which thankfully was not blocked like the others. Y/N had Eren wear her uniform coat to disguise himself as a doctor.

"There's a lot of people Y/N.." Eren muttered as they joined the large group of doctors, who had rushed out in time.

"It'll be alright." Y/N said as she looked around and saw Ymir clutching onto Krista and allowing Sasha to hug onto her side as they all seemed to be crying or in some sort of pain. "Eren, I see my friends."

"Let's go to them.. wait no. They'll tell someone about me and I'll be separated from you!" Eren said.

"I promise you they won't. Let's go." Y/N said as she led him towards the trio.

"Y/N! We were so worried about you!" Krista said as she hugged onto Y/N, sobbing harder than before.

"We thought you were stuck inside the building!" Sasha explained as she also hugged Y/N.

"I'm glad you made it out, you idiot." Ymir said, smiling at Y/N.

"Guys, as happy as I am to see you, I have to tell you something." Y/N said as she let go of Krista and Sasha and held Erens hand.

"Isn't that one of your patients?!" Sasha said not too loudly.

"I don't know how to explain it in a way that will make you feel comfortable but, Eren loves me in a way that keeps him stable. I feel as though I need to be around him to help him." Y/N calmly explained.

"But he's a Mentally Unstable Patient.." Krista said as she looked at the towering boy. "Are you sure Y/N?"

Looking back at Eren and smiling Y/N simply said yes. Sasha and Krista supported the two and even Ymir decided to go along with the plan.




"Eren! Where did you put the washing?" Y/N yelled out loud as she looked around their shared bedroom.

"Uhm, I think it's in the washing machine already..?" Eren replied as he looked back at the TV with his little girl on his lap.

It had been at least a a few years after the incident. Y/N got a different job thanks to her smarts whilst Eren was a stay at home dad. Being the smart person she was. Y/N got a house just near her old apartment with her friends.

Raising a daughter was fun for Eren as he would tie her hair in a man bun just like his newer look and would constantly play with her. She was only 2 years old but you three were happy.

Plopping down onto the couch beside Eren, Y/N took her daughter from his hands and put rested her head on his shoulder as they cuddle closer together.

"I'm glad that no one can disturb us Y/N.." Eren said as he kissed her head.

"Yeah.. I'm glad that Carla will be able to grow up in a nice environment instead of some people. You and I are doing the best we can." Y/N said as she cradled the toddler in her arms.

"I love you so much Y/N. I hope you know that." Eren whispered.

"I know, love. I love you too." Y/N replied.

Mental Hospital AU! Yandere! Attack on Titan x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now