Chapter 21- Blackout

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Walking to her shared office, Y/N saw a hooded figure lurking around the place but paid no attention to it. As she walked in, Y/N saw Erwin and Hange talking together. Hange seemed to be smirking whilst Erwin stayed calm and had a bit of pink turns on his face.

"Ah Y/N!" Hange said before giving a bone crushing hug to her. "How have you been?"

"Im alright.! Sorry I couldn't make it to the drinks party, I had a bit of an accident." Y/N explained.

"It's alright!" Hange said before turning back to Erwin and smiling. "Say.. why don't you two talk whilst I go do something?"

"Hange I know what you're doing and you have to stop." Erwin said as his eyebrows furrowed.

"What?! I'm not doing anything-" Hange began to say.

The lights went out. Not a single light was on and it was pitch black. Down the hallway, Y/N could hear loud voices as people tried to figure out what was going on. Suddenly a large bang was let of in the distance.

"I'll go with Moblit to the backup generator!" Hange said whilst grabbing a flashlight and running off with Moblit.

"Y/N stay close to me." Erwin said as he grabbed her and pulled her closer to him.

"Bertolt.." Y/N muttered.

"What about him?" Erwin asked. "If you're saying we have to go check on him it's fine-"

"Bertolt is scared of the dark. It's not just that.. we have to make sure all of the patients are in their cells!" Y/N said before walking off slowly, touching the walls to make sure she was going the right way.

"Wait!" Erwin said before grabbing her hand. "I'm sure they are all fine! You're just getting into more danger like this."

"But you already know how dangerous some of them are! Think about it, Levi or Reiner could break out of their handcuffs the longer we stay in the dark!" Y/N explained. "No.. Ymir, Krista and Sasha are in danger too! I have to get to them-"

"I'll go find them for you, you go to the patients and make sure all the doors are locked according to the security system plans." Erwin said as he squeezed her hands and left.

Making her way into Ward 1, a red light began to flicker. Hange and Moblit had probably gotten to the backup generator and turned on the lights.. but why were they red? Looking at all the cell doors, they seemed to all be open.

Panicking, Y/N made her way into Eren's Cell to see him missing. The same with Armin, Connie, Reiner, Bertolt and unfortunately Levi. Whilst looking in Jean's Cell, Y/N saw him clutching onto his ears and rocking himself on the floor.

"Jean!" Y/N called out as she cautiously walked over to him. "Are you okay? Did someone hurt you?"

"N-no.. I keep hearing gun shots and screaming and it's scaring me! Is Marco okay?! What about you?!" Jean frantically asked.

"Calm down.! I have everything under control, I just need you to tell me what happens when the lights went out, okay?" Y/N asked nicely.

"When the lights went out, all the doors opened. At first I thought it was a trick so I stayed put until I saw Bertolt and Reiner carrying out hints and running. I also saw Eren with Armin. I don't know about Connie.." Jean quickly ranted.

"what about Levi?" Y/N asked as she soothed him. "Did you see him go anywhere?"

"H-he had a shard of glass and his hands were bleeding." Jean said.

"Okay Jean, keep breathing nicely like this okay? I'm gonna have you hold onto my hand whilst we go back to the staff room. They'll keep you there until we figure out the situation further." Y/N explained.

The two held hands as they walked back until Y/N looked into Bertolt's room once again. As she walked in, she realised ,unlike last time, it was much messier and lots of things were scattered across the floor. His lamp was shattered and there never was a light bulb in there to begin with..

"Jean let's go back-" Y/N began to say only to see Jean had disappeared. "Jean! Where did you go?! Jean!"

Cursing under her breath, Y/N proceeded to walk further down the Hospital. What had happened to Ymir, Krista and Sasha? Did Erwin find them?

Walking into the backup generator room, Y/N saw that it had been destroyed.  Walking back out she met eyes with the very same eyes that she would soon wish she would never see again.

Mental Hospital AU! Yandere! Attack on Titan x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now