Connie Ending

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"Connie!" Y/N said happily.

"Y/N! I was looking for you everywhere, where have you been-" Connie started to say.

"No! Where have you been?! Jean told me that everyone else had ran away and he hadn't had any idea of where you were!" Y/N said worriedly before grabbing his hand and dragging him away. "You need to come with me so that you are safe!"

"That lit snitch. I was okay Y/N, just trying to find you and Reiner and Bertolt. Those guys are like my best buds and I can't seem to find them anywhere!" Connie explained causing Y/N to stop and face him.

"D-did you find those two?" Y/N asked nervously.

"Yeah! They said for me to get you so that you were safe. That reminds me, you and I have to get going to the cafeteria. They're over there with a few friends." Connie blabbered on before quickly slapping a hand over his mouth.

"What is it? What happened?" Y/N asked.

"I wasn't meant to tell you that! It was meant to be a surprise.. just act like you didn't know, Y/N. I don't want my two best friends to think I messed up." Connie said whilst trying to get Y/N to walk with him.

"C-Connie, we can't go there.." Y/N said as she watched him stop in his tracks.

"Why not?" Connie asked confused.

"There's something you need to know about Reiner and Bertolt.. they're not who you think they are." Y/N hinted out.

"But they're my best friends. Why would they not be who they say they are? We need to get you to them so you are safe and away from some bad people." Connie ranted.

"Reiner and Bertolt are those bad people." Y/N said making Connie's eyes widen.

"What? No no no. They wouldn't!" Connie muttered.

"Connie, between me and Reiner, who do you trust more?" Y/N asked.

"You of course! You're like an angel! But you just don't get it Y/N! Reiner and Bertolt would never do something like that. Ever!" Connie answered.

"Did you realise that they sent you back to fetch me, all alone, nothing to defend yourself with and when a person has attacked the building?" Y/N asked slightly worried by his stupidity.

"Are you serious Y/N.?" Connie asked. "Reiner and Bertolt were lying.?"

"Y/N! You found Connie!" A voice yelled from the distance.

Bertolt. He was approaching the two quickly and was holding something behind his back. Y/N took a few steps back whilst Connie took a few forward, despite Y/N's constant attempts to stop him.

"Bertolt! You traitors!" Connie yelled.

"W-what're you talking about? Oh, you found Y/N. We should get going now so-" Bertolt began to say.

"You and Reiner both lied to me! You were the ones who have the weapons and bombed a few huts of the pace!" Connie continued.

Bertolt stood still, he had a dark look on his face as if he was thinking of something bad to do or say. Stepping forward Bertolt towered over Connie and looked down at him.

"Did Y/N tell you?" Bertolt muttered.

"What?" Connie asked him before getting pulled back from Bertolt's swinging arm, by Y/N.

"Connie you have to go!" Y/N said as she pushed Bertolt back.

"Y/N.! You have to come with me! I'm not leaving you with Bertolt-" Connie started to say as he looked down to see Bertolt trying to grab Y/N's ankle. "Move!" Connie yelled again as he pulled Y/N into him and kicked Bertolt's face.

"We are leaving now!" Y/N said as she dashed off with Connie only to be carried off later in Connie's arms.

As they made it to and emergency exit, Y/N had hoped her friends were safe. They were the main reason she wanted to stay alive. Their smiles and existence was just enough to make her happy.

"Connie, do you see my friend Sasha.?" Y/N said as she exited with him, arm around his shoulder.

"You mean that girl you were talking too?" Connie asked as Y/N nodded. "She's over there. But I don't see anyone else with her.."

"Connie, put on my work coat so no one sees you outside the building. I need to see where Krista and Ymir are too." Y/N said as she handed her coat to him and walked to Sasha.

"Y/N! Ymir and Krista are dead." Sasha sobbed out as she grabbed Y/N.

"W-what.?!" Y/N exclaimed. " How did it happen?!"

"I don't know!" Sasha sniffled. "That Eyebrow guy saw me and told me to escape. I asked about you and those two and he said they died."

Y/N cried into Sasha's shoulder as Connie approached them. He began to rub circles in Y/N's back and quickly placed a finger on his lips as a sign for Sasha not to tell the authorities.

"Y/N.. I don't want to go back in a cell, especially not after that." Connie said quietly as he began to tear up. "I want to stay with you."

"I can imagine how you must feel, Connie." Y/N said as she faced him. "Sasha, Connie. Let's go back to our apartment."




"Sasha! You better not have eaten the baby food!" Connie yelled out playfully and seriously.

"Whaaaat?! Are you saying I ate that baby food?!" Sasha exclaimed. "Maybe I did..."

"Sasha! That's for D/N!" Y/N scolded as she fed the mashed up food to their daughter.

Connie took the little baby from Y/N and began to tickle her, not knowing she was being fed, and soon regretted it as the food in her mouth splattered across his face.

"God! Did food just spawn in her mouth!?" Connie yelled out as the baby began to giggle at his reaction and him wiping it off with a towel.

Y/N walked to Sasha, who was in her room, and gave her a plate of food as she planned on actually studying for some exam in her new job. Making her way back to the living room, Y/N sat beside Connie at the dining table and ate her food peacefully.

"Y'know Y/N.. I was thinking of getting a job recently so that you can stay at home instead." Connie said.

"Really?" Y/N asked excitedly.

"I want to be a bit more responsible for this family. I want our kid to grow up nicely." Connie said before Y/N kissed him passionately.

"I'll be happy with whatever you do for this family. Love you baby." Y/N said.

"Love you too Angel." Connie said before kissing her temple.

Mental Hospital AU! Yandere! Attack on Titan x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now