Chapter 1- Meeting Eren

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Y/N walked beside Erwin listening to him as he talked about how the patients could be dangerous at times and how Y/N should be careful.

Making their way to the first cell, Y/N looked at the outside of the room. It had a a metal door that was only opened by the swipe of her land yard. Opening the door she walked in to see a room of white.

The desk was hammered down to prevent any self harm along with the chair. The bed was small and the blanket was sewed down to prevent choking yourself.

"I'll be waiting outside so you can see Eren for yourself." Erwin said leaning against the wall, allowing Y/N to head in.

Y/N looked around to see a boy sat in the corner, huddled up with an annoyed look on his face as he looked up at her but quickly looked down, covering his face with his arms.

"Hello!" Y/N said before making her way to him and crouched beside him at a safe distance. "I'm Y/N L/N and I'll be your permanent doctor. I'd like to get to know you Eren."

"Go away." Was all he said not looking up to speak to her at all.

"Cmon. Can't you tell me a bit about yourself? I'm new around here and I'd really like to know you. Your actually my first patient that I've talked to so it'd be a real bummer if you want to shut yourself out." Y/N said.

"What.. do you want to know?" He asked reluctantly still not looking up.

"Anything! Your family, friends, hobbies."

"My mom and dad.. they're dead." He muttered. "I have a stepsister and she visits me every week.. Armin is my only friend I guess."

"Eren.? I'm sorry if it brought you any past memories back." you said before rubbing his back, causing him to flinch a bit. "I won't hurt you. I just want to help you."

"T-thanks I guess."

"I'd love to talk with you more but I'm on a tight schedule and I have to meet some of my other patients. I'm glad you and I talked. Though I wish I could've seen your face properly." Y/N said brushing his bangs out of his eyes.

She got up and said her goodbyes not realising that the second he left, Eren released himself from his hunched up position and was blazing red. He was breathing heavily.

Never had he ever thought he'd meet his soon to be Girlfriend. He blamed himself for pushing you away instead of talking and getting to know more about this woman who genuinely cared for him.

He knew he would see you again. He'd be prepared.

Mental Hospital AU! Yandere! Attack on Titan x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now