𝟐𝟑. 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞

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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐯

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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐯

Reyaansh's heart pounded in his chest as he and his brothers, Veer and Viraj, made their way through the dimly lit streets towards the warehouse.

The previous night had been a nightmare for him. Vihaan, a man with a twisted sense of cruelty, had inflicted pain on his beloved wife, Aira.

Reyaansh's hands clenched into fists at the mere thought of what had transpired.

The warehouse loomed ahead, an imposing structure standing in stark contrast to the shadows that clung to its exterior.

As they approached, Reyaansh's gaze intensified, scanning for any sign of Vihaan.

The air was thick with tension as they entered the desolate space, the only sound the echo of their footsteps against the cold concrete floor.

There, in a dimly lit corner, Reyaansh spotted Vihaan. Anguish and rage surged through him, a volatile mix that threatened to consume his very being. The warehouse seemed to close in around them as they approached the man responsible for Aira's suffering.

"Vihaan," Reyaansh's voice was low, a growl that reverberated through the silence. His brothers flanked him, their expressions mirroring the intensity of his own.

Vihaan turned, a sinister grin playing on his lips. "Well, well. If it isn't the heroic husband and his band of brothers. What brings you here?"

Reyaansh's eyes bore into Vihaan's, a storm of emotions swirling within. Without a word, he lunged at Vihaan, fists flying. The sound of each impact echoed through the warehouse as Veer and Viraj joined the fray, a synchronized dance of retribution.

Vihaan fought back, but the sheer force of their collective anger overwhelmed him. Blood stained the cold floor, a visceral testament to the violence that unfolded. Reyaansh, fueled by a need for justice, couldn't suppress the surge of brutality within him.

As the minutes passed, the atmosphere became suffocating. Vihaan's pleas for mercy fell on deaf ears. The darkness within Reyaansh threatened to consume him whole. It was a relentless pursuit of vengeance, an attempt to erase the memory of Aira's pain.

When the storm finally subsided, the three brothers stood amidst the aftermath, breaths heavy and bodies covered in a sheen of sweat. Vihaan lay battered and broken, a symbol of the justice they sought.

Reyaansh, though victorious, felt a hollowness within. The brutal act had not brought true solace, only a momentary release of pent-up fury. As they left the warehouse, he couldn't shake the weight of the choices made in the name of love and retribution.

As Reyaansh made his way back from the warehouse, the burden of his actions weighed heavily on him. The streets that had seemed so desolate before now bore witness to a man grappling with the consequences of his choices.

He was the epitome of success, the most affluent businessman in India, but the victory over his rivals and enemies had come at a steep price.

The glow of the city lights cast an eerie reflection on his face, the contours of which were etched with a mixture of determination and remorse.

The mansion that awaited him stood as a testament to his wealth and power, a stark contrast to the darkness that clouded his soul.

As he entered his home, the air seemed to thicken with the gravity of what he had just done. The walls that had witnessed celebrations and triumphs now absorbed the echoes of violence and vengeance. Reyaansh, the architect of his own empire, now found himself grappling with the monster he had become in the pursuit of justice for his wife.

Reyaansh ascended the grand staircase, each step echoing the internal struggle within him. The realization that he had crossed a line, transforming into a version of himself he never thought possible, gnawed at his conscience. The allure of power, the intoxicating taste of revenge, had turned him into a monster. But he was willing to do it if it was for Aira, for his wife , for his everything.

Reyaansh entered the expansive bedroom, the grandeur of the space momentarily overshadowed by the weight of the night's events.

His gaze softened as he spotted Aira, seated on their bed, bathed in the gentle glow of the bedside lamp while engrossed in the television. The atmosphere in the room shifted as he approached, a blend of exhaustion lingering in the air.

Without a word, Reyaansh settled beside her, the plushness of the bed offering a refuge from the storm within. Aira, attuned to the silent language they shared, turned off the TV and shifted her attention to him. Her touch was a balm, her fingers tracing soothing patterns on his temples as she began to massage his head.

In that quiet intimacy, a profound connection spoke volumes. Reyaansh closed his eyes, surrendering to the comfort of her touch. Aira, sensing the weight he carried, whispered words of solace that only a loving partner could muster.

The world outside their sanctuary seemed to fade away, leaving them cocooned in a haven where the troubles of the night could momentarily be set aside.

"You are my whole world, Aira. And I'll end anyone who tries to hurt you." Reyaansh murmured,

His voice a tender declaration of devotion. He nuzzled into her stomach, seeking solace in the warmth of their shared love. The events of the evening, the brutality unleashed in the name of protecting that love, melted away in the presence of the person who meant everything to him.

Aira's response was a gentle kiss on his head, a silent reassurance that transcended words. As Reyaansh succumbed to the embrace of sleep, Aira continued to cradle him, her touch a soothing lullaby that promised safety and unwavering support.

In that private sanctuary, the power dynamics of the outside world ceased to exist. It was a moment of vulnerability and tenderness, a reminder that amidst the chaos, their love stood as an anchor. As the night enveloped them, Reyaansh found respite in Aira's embrace, and the echoes of the warehouse faded into the background, replaced by the heartbeat of a shared existence.


तू कहे तो कुछ लकीरें
और बना दूँ हाथ में
हर ख़ुशी मेरी जुड़ी है
सिर्फ़ तेरे साथ में
अब मुझे तू ही सुनाई दे
मेरी हर बात में
हर ख़ुशी मेरी जुड़ी है
सिर्फ़ तेरे साथ में
तू मेरी दुआ, तू मेरा जुनूं
तू मेरी सदा, तू मेरा सुकूं

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Until then,
Love you Cupcakes <3

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